Category: Workshops and Lectures
Physicians For Informed Consent release new documents discussing efficacy and risk of COVID vaccines vs. COVID infection
The website linked below features four important materials which should be given to all individuals who are thinking of whether to take the vaccines or not. Three of the materials look at the efficacy and risk of COVID-19 vaccines versus the risk of COVID. The materials include short-term efficacy and safety data fro Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna,…
STAND 4 | FROM FEAR TO HOPE: A Workshop On Flourishing In The Age Of Pandemics, September 3-5, 2021
WHY THIS WORKSHOP: Most Filipinos live in fear. We continue learning scary stories from the government and media about COVID-19. We became so full of fear that we became fear itself. Life has lost its excitement and luster. Millions are depressed and thousands have committed suicide. But inside us, there is a united force…
Top scientists and doctors join forces to refute mainstream COVID lies
The following website provides links to the online symposium presented by the Doctors for Covid Ethics and hosted by UK Column. The symposium entitled Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice: An Interdisciplinary Symposium Calling for Immediate Intervention, was composed of four sessions. It had over 20 speakers, and had attracted 350,000 viewers over two days.…
Doctor speaks at school board meeting, says health boards are promoting solutions not based on science
This banned YouTube video features Dr. Dan Stock speaking at the Mt. Vernon Community School Board Meeting. In this short video, he asserts that the recommendations of the local Health Board and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are contrary to science. Dr. Stock, a functional medicine doctor, goes on to demolish…
Stanford’s Dr. John Ioannidis destroys the Covid lockdown narrative
The following is a 1-hour 47-minute talk given by Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis to the University of Salzburg last June 26, 2021. He is a Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Population Health, and (by courtesy) of Biomedical Data Science, Statistics, and Co-Director of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at the University of Stanford (METRICS). Prof. Ioannidis…
STAND 3 | FROM FEAR TO HOPE: A Workshop On Flourishing In The Age Of Pandemics, July 30-August 1, 2021
WHY THIS WORKSHOP: Most Filipinos live in fear. We continue learning scary stories from the government and media about COVID-19. We became so full of fear that we became fear itself. Life has lost its excitement and luster. Millions are depressed and thousands have committed suicide. But inside us, there is a united force…
Top scientist calls for halt to COVID vaccination of children
The following is a 30-page guide released by Dr. Bryam Bridle to guide parents on whether or not they should vaccinate their children against COVID-19 [Dr. Bridle is the same viral immunologist featured in the articles COVID vaccine researcher admits says spike protein is a dangerous toxin and Pro-vaccine immunologist: “I would probably prefer to…
Dr. Peter McCullough: We need to create a block of people who will not take the vaccine, and the vaccine-narrative will collapse
The following is a 48-minute call between world-famous pro-vaccine doctor, Dr. Peter McCullough and Reiner Fuellmich which transpired last June 11, 2021. Dr. McCullough has always believed in vaccines, but the circumstances surrounding the COVID crisis has pushed him to take a second look at vaccination. Based on his own experience, Dr. McCullough knew that…
Nobel Prize Winner: Covid vaccine is creating variants that can escape vaccine-induced immunity
The following article features a short segment of an interview between 2008 Nobel Laureate Prof. Luc Montagnier and Pierre Barnerias of Hold-Up Media. It was published by RAIR Foundation USA last May 18, 2021. In the video, which is 2 minutes and 34 seconds long, Barnerias asks Montagnier about his thoughts about the mass vaccination…
Experimental COVID vaccine on trial: A workshop with experts
The following is a 2-hour discussion on some of the unanswered questions regarding the safety and effectiveness of the experimental COVID vaccines. It was initiated by the Children’s Health Defense, Millions Against Medical Mandates and the Autism Action Netwok. The video was made public last February 10, 2021. Some of the speakers to this discussion…