Oneworld, Star Alliance, and Sky Team, three of the largest global airline groups which represent 60% of the world passenger air capacity, issued a statement last November 11, 2020, for the adoption of digital health passports in place of quarantines and border closures.
Editor’s Note: We realize that after seven months of lockdowns, people are now very eager to travel. Perhaps some of us are now more than willing to accept vaccines and digital passports in exchange for greater mobility. But before we start supporting proposals such as those outlined by airline trade groups, it is important to look at the unintended consequences of this solution. We must look at its impacts not only on our mobility but also on our personal and collective freedom and wellbeing.
Let us not forget the lesson of lockdowns. Our eagerness to embrace easy solutions has brought us where we are now. For some lockdowns have been easy, but for others, it is a burden too heavy to bear [see articles on the societal impact of the pandemic].
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