July 27, 2024

Australia’s Central Bank Working With BIS To Launch Digital Currency System

Australia’s Central Bank Working With BIS To Launch Digital Currency System

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), in collaboration with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), will trial a digital currency in what they call a “ring-fenced” pilot program. The program will last an entire year and is intended to demonstrate how a digital currency could be used to assist businesses and households. The report on this has been written by Nick Bonyhady and Shane write and was published last August 9, 2022 by The Sydney Herald.

Editor’s Note: The move to normalize central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) is truly underway. What people do not realize is that digital currencies is one of the many ways that globalists intend to control our economies and our societies. It is a danger to human freedom. [Read Bank of England propose to use digital money to put “restrictions on people’s freedom”, Baguio To Adopt Cashless Payments In Markets and Local Transport. Also read The Great Reset is Accelerating into Global Tyranny, WEF’s 10 Most Chilling Vision Of The Future].

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