Materialism: The God of the Great Reset. Part 4. Unveiling its Ultimate Pathological Manifestations in World Phenomena

Materialism: The God of the Great Reset. Part 4. Unveiling its Ultimate Pathological Manifestations in World Phenomena

This article is part of the series entitled Materialism: The God of the Great Reset. This is Part 4. Read the other articles by clicking the following links: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]

In Part 3 of this series,1 we saw that humans have no intrinsic value. They have no freedom. They have no rights. Humans are complex and often mysterious but, nonetheless, humans are hackable biological machines that one can tamper with, clone, patent and own. Humans are purely material beings. There is no spiritual essence in the human being.

A Brief Recapitulation

Furthermore, this image of the human being is reinforced by the materialistic belief that the entire universe has no intrinsic value. Reality is simply the result of matter and the random dynamics of matter itself. Qualities do not matter. Only quantities are real and important.

In the biological world, this translates to the belief that the only thing that counts is for one species to be the best fit in order to survive so that this alpha species can continue propagating its own kind. Life is a struggle for existence and the propagation of the progeny of the victors. All species experience a brief moment of its place in the sun. Then it vanishes inexorably, forever.

The human, societal, and ecological impact of this excessive and narrow materialistic worldview is obvious and catastrophic. It basically turns humans against humans, humans against nature, and humans against God.

From the perspective of the New World Order, there can only be a predatory class and a subordinate and subjugated class, the prey of the predator. Let us now revisit the values and beliefs connected with the various Great Reset agenda we specified in Part 1 of this series2 from the lens of materialistic evolutionary biology.

The Predators

For the predator class, their priority value is the pursuit of power. Power will keep them on top of the food chain. Power will give them control over their prey. They absolutely believe and adore that perverted Golden Rule: “He who has the gold, rules”! They are addicted to a total control agenda.

As such, predators have no ethical constraints. Conscience is an illusion. Ethical considerations are irrelevant. Machiavellian machination is their “bible”. The ends justify the means. So, if the end means total control, they will lie, engage in fraud and bribe just to achieve power. Ultimately, they will murder and eliminate those who stand in their way.

For them reason is anathema in their social discourse. They will confuse other humans with irrationality and lies. For example, take the claim that men can get pregnant. Men can lactate. Men can have the reproductive organs of women. Any human with sound reasoning will immediately label these claims as patent lies especially when they are not backed up by biological science. Yet they continue this weapon of choice in the cultural wars destined to destroy the country3 that believes this nonsense: hook, line and sinker.4

For them, human rights are fictitious. There are no inherent human rights. Rights are defined by those who are in power. Look at the arrogant behavior of the US Empire. They speak about violations of international rights which they define and follow only when these are advantageous to them. Yet the US Empire routinely violates consensus international laws5 and commit crimes against humanity especially through their proxy nations, including Ukraine and Israel.6

Humans are important only as an instrument for them to achieve their goals. When they achieve these goals, they have no more use for their lackeys. Eventually the latter will be victims of their genocidal agenda.

Eventually, the behavioral expression of these materialistic belief systems and values (or lack of them) can be found, with emphasis, in the agenda of the New World Order. Neo-Darwin’s theory of evolution leads to Eugenics. It already did in early US 20th century and inspired the eugenic nightmare of the Nazi’s that started World War II.7

The Digital ID and surveillance control agenda eventually haunts those that survive. The NWO are not comfortable with the survivors. They need to control them. Ultimately, the survivors, their prey might succeed in toppling them in the struggle for existence. Then the former predators lose their privileged position of power in the totem pole of control.

This materialistic framework is also the reason why predators are highly egotistic. Since the ultimate meaning in life is not service to and responsibility for one’s family, community, nation, the world, and/or the universe, but to survive, then materialists, if they are true to their beliefs, could not care less about anybody or anything except for themselves and their pursuit of power and survival. Some reach the height of their egotistic self-love that they become psychopathic predators. They can only create disaster after disaster in a chaotic world of their creation.8

Ultimately, materialism fuses with the world it has passionately devoted itself to: Transhumanism. It turns an image into reality much like the famous Pygmalion Effect. The materialistic theory of the human being becomes grotesquely real in the would-be Frankenstein materialist have been feverishly longing for: the Transhuman or Post-Human, the perfect machine; the perfect embodiment of a corpse of a creation, that is seemingly alive.

The Greeks has a wonderful story of about self-fulfilling belief systems; about how a vision of reality, fueled with passion, turns that vision into reality. Pygmalion was the King of Cyprus and a gifted sculpturist who loving sculpted a wooden image of a beautiful woman. Pygmalion’s work was so real that Pygmalion fell in love with his own sculpture. He was so taken by the beauty of his creation that he prayed very hard to Aphrodite to make the statue alive. And sure enough, the Goddess granted his wish. Pygmalion eventually ended up marrying his statue that has now become a human of flesh and blood.9

There is a difference, though, with the Pygmalion potential of Transhumanism. The transhumanist creation will not be a beautiful, loving woman but an AI device that would ultimately lead to human extinction.

In their obsessive megalomaniac pursuit of total control, they favor totalitarian systems which can control entire nations. They pursue censorship and disinformation if these challenge their control narrative. They hijack economic, political, and cultural institutions to cement their authority and hold on these institutions so that these latter become pliable instruments for their control agenda. They instrumentalize entire societies to be made in their image and despotic desires. After all, there is no conscience, and thus no limit to what levels of destruction and chaos they will impose on humanity.

Ultimately, they unleash their materialistic doppelgänger, their sophisticated AI machines to manage their vast enterprise of deception and control. Ultimate, using AI, they will strive for immortality by downloading their consciousness into the machine.10

The Prey

If the victims of predators are also fanatical materialists, then there is no difference between what they will do and what the predators are doing to them. Remember life is merely the struggle for existence. The fittest are the ones that survive. If the prey ultimately survives and overcome the predators, then nothing fundamental will change. Controlled by their deterministic materialistic ideology, the prey will ultimately morph exactly into the predators that they hated so much. They also become nihilistic and violent.

Unless the prey has a different worldview, they will behave in the same way that their predators behaved towards them.

Eric Hoffer’s classic book, The True Believer, brilliantly lays out in precise details this phenomenon of becoming what one hates most. As the new materialistic predator, one will exactly display the same kind of destructive behavior that one has been in opposition to.

If all these seem too abstract, the writer would like to gently remind the readers to re-read Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the present series of articles to obtain the full details of regarding the destructive human, ecological, and societal effects of the materialistic religion of scientism.11

In addition, they may also wish to refer back to our previous article series on the different plagues that the New World Order’s Great Reset agenda have unleashed on humanity.12

Pedophilia and Satanism

I have purposely kept the topic of pedophilia and Satanism to the last because people would think these have no relevance to this chapter on Materialism and even the New World Order agenda itself.

However, alert leaders will note by now that I have been following a phenomenological approach in the past articles. I follow where the evidence leads to. It shocked me that the New World Order agenda includes pedophilia and Satanism. I did not believe in it initially. But the factual evidence was so overwhelming that I could not honesty avoid this topic. Doing so would make it difficult to understand the continuous, nauseating roll out of pure evil and the collapse of humanity, morality and reason.

The ultimate driving force behind pedophilia is Satanism.13 Children are ultimately sacrificed in various forms to their belief in Satan. Such outrageous black magic practices and crimes are believed by their perpetuators to confer tremendous power and influence for themselves.14

Readers may already know that we discussed the eight aspects of the New World Agenda (NWO) in Part 3 of “Understanding the Great Reset and Its Attack on Humanity.”15These eight are the most visible aspects of the Great Reset. But, inside the NWO, a foundation for global genocide is prepared through their practice of pedophilia.

With the latter, materialism destroys itself. From a legitimate scientific methodology, followers of materialism transform the former into a religion, that of scientism. Worst, that religion destroys its own foundations because now matter is no longer god, but Satan is.

The UN shocked those in the world who still have a sensitive and functioning moral anchor. On March 2023, the UN endorsed a recommendation by the jurists of the International Commission of Jurists to make pedophilia legal.16

Needless to say, this UN support for pedophilia, currently a crime, sent shockwaves around the world. If you think this is fake news, then read the disgusting and perverted rationalization of pedophilia. Then cry your heart out for the dark and degraded depths humanity has deconstructed itself in our days.

Not content with this disgusting support for pedophilia, UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) also strongly recommends the early sexualization of children. For example, the WHO recommends masturbation among the newly born to toddlers, 4 years of age, and to have their first sexual experience when children reach 9 years of age.17

What is the whole point? It is obvious that the UN wants people to raise children to be groomed to be sex maniacs so that they will be perfectly willing victims of pedophilia.

This sordid topic connects strongly with the culture wars where public school teachers in the US show pornographic content and drag queens engage in lurid sexual exhibitions before young impressionistic kindergarten or grade school students.18

In two topic series, totaling 7 articles, we have detailed the destructive consequences of materialism, reductionism and scientism on global civilization. These are the worldviews underlying the values, policies, lockdowns, and manipulations of the Great Reset of the New World Order.

In the next series of articles, we will demonstrate that materialism is an emperor with no clothes. Cutting-edge sciences seriously question and undermine the theoretical and scientific foundations of materialism. When we see this reality, we will also be creating the basis for a new and more positive future for humanity.

  4. These claims and counterclaims arising from the gender wars are so common and widespread that they are now part of ordinary discourse.
  5. The details of the abuses of the US Empire are graphically illustrated in this book written by, Chalmers Johnson, a political scientist and expert on the schemes of the Empire. A good companion volume to read is John Perkin’s, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, which can be obtained at
  6. This is not an endorsement of the crimes against humanity that Hamas executed in its October 7, 2023 attack on Israel.
  8. Let me hasten to add that not all materialists are evil people and that there are also evil people among religious types. It is also possible that, sometimes, materialist people, through a subconscious inner contradiction within them, are more humane than spiritually-oriented people. The latter may have unresolved subconscious issues that lead them to problematic behavior. The main point here is that the scientism of materialism predisposes a human being towards egotistic survival and control. And from these foundations, all kinds of destructive deeds normally follow.
  9. and
  11.; and
  12., and
  13. One can find many books on the New World Order and Satanism by browsing the digital bookstore of Amazon. Here is one example among many. Leo Zagami. Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society.
  14. We saw the first-hand account of Satanism by a former NWO insider turned whistleblower in Part 3 of this series.
  16. . The ICJ justifies their approach as part of its “human rights” advocacy.
  17. The first link is the portal. The second link is the actual document. An analysis of these documents, plus some illustrative screenshots of the matrices of the document, can be found at:

1 thought on “Materialism: The God of the Great Reset. Part 4. Unveiling its Ultimate Pathological Manifestations in World Phenomena

  1. This article is an eye opener to those who think that we really live in a civilized society where people can enjoy watching basketball on TVs, watch beauty pageants, dine in fine restaurants, enjoy shopping, making a tour of places, work and eat 3 times a day. This article will balance their views of the real world.

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