Understanding The Great Reset and Its Attack on Humanity, Part 2: How the Different Attacks Reinforce Each Other

Understanding The Great Reset and Its Attack on Humanity, Part 2: How the Different Attacks Reinforce Each Other

The great reset file organizer

Humanity faces an array of alarming and dystopian disruptions. We need different ways of understanding this dystopian nightmares as a prelude to mobilizing creative resistance and transformative actions against this attacks.

As a first step in this understanding, Part 1 clustered these challenges into different dimensions. We saw that these attacks were seriously eroding the ecological, economic, political, cultural, societal, human and spiritual dimensions of human existence. In short, these attacks on humanity by the New World Order aims at a wide-ranging Great Reset, utterly destroying the default normal of humanity.1

We ended Part 1 with a concise summary. The New World Order (NWO) rolls out the Great Reset, which, in turn, produces all the disruptions and destructions we see around us. The NWO calls this dystopia the New Normal which is deconstruction all dimensions of existence. See Figure 1 in Part 1.

In Part 2 below, we will explain how these wide-ranging attacks are not isolated from each other. They are related to each other. They reinforce each other. While Part 1 dealt with the anatomy of the Great Reset, Part 2 deals with the “physiology”, the dynamics of the interrelationships within the system of dystopias.

Figure 2 below is a graphic display of this reinforcing system of dystopias.

Level 1: Phenomena (COVID et. al)

We at Covid Call to Humanity discovered this physiology of the Great Reset when we took a deep dive into the Covid issue. CCH started with the COVID issue. As evidenced from our research and writing at Covid Call to Humanity (CCH) in the past 3 years, the Covid issue was a huge scam.2 The policies were highly irrational, unscientific, and often involved fraud. The so-called Covid vaccines, which are, in reality, bioweapons are extremely dangerous and of very limited efficacy. The policies are not about our health. They are clearly about control.

Level 2: Institutions

These dangerous policies do not just appear out of nowhere. They are driven by INSTITUTIONS. In the Covid case, they include health regulatory agencies (CDC, FDA, EMA, DOH, WHO, etc.) They also include government, scientific bodies, pharmaceutical companies, foundations, research institutions, specialized civil society organizations, hospitals, legal firms, businesses, and many others. The Covid scamdemic was and is very powerful because of the collusion of many of these corrupt institutions with each other.

Figure 2. “Physiology” or Causal Chain of the NWO’s Great Reset

Level 3: Mainstream and Social Media

MEDIA is also an institution. But we have created a special category for mainstream media (MSM) and social media (FB, YouTube, Twitter, etc.). These are the amplifiers of the messages of the powers that control the institutions that run the Covid scamdemic. They are the bullhorns to censor truthful narratives, spread disinformation and consciously magnify fear, that predisposes people to manipulation.3

Level 4: New World Order (NWO)

The control of institutions and media has always been the case in the past. But what is unique and super obvious in our time is the greater and wider visible activity of the network of super-rich individuals and their elitist global institutions aggressively pushing a GREAT RESET towards a NEW WORLD ORDER. They have many institutions connected with the New World Order. The more visible ones are the World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Atlantic Council, Tavistock Institute, Aspen Institute, and the UN and its various institutions.

Unfortunately, the UN has become a mere instrument of these individuals and institutions advancing the agenda of the New World Order. Let us remain at this level, for now, the level of the New World Order. You will notice that when one looks at the phenomena of the war in UKRAINE, the levers of influence and causation work in a similar manner to what we have seen and are seeing with the Covid scamdemic. There are different sets of institutions involved (Russian government4, Ukraine government, NATO, EU, and so on) but resulting disinformation and illegal actions are similar in terms of causation.

Media is also crucial to our understanding of the war in Ukraine. There is so much disinformation in this area of analysis. The battle over information and disinformation is recognized by the military of both sides as a necessary component in the conduct of this war. So, in addition to the actual military war, you have the war on disinformation using MSM and social media. Furthermore, you also have an active economic war.

Then again, behind all the institutions active in the war in Ukraine, the influence of the New World Order (NWO) is clearly visible. For example, the CIA, the US State Department, National Endowment for Democracy, George Soros institutions and other NWO institutions planned and executed the Maidan Coup of 2014 in Ukraine. The event is one of the key triggering factors for the current war in Ukraine.5

We will also see the same pattern when we explore the RESETS aspect of Figure 2. Whether it is the Gaza War, the Climate Reset, the Energy Reset, the Digital Reset, the Financial Reset, and other kinds of Reset, we can discern the puppet masters in and behind the relevant institutions. The ever-present MSM and social media are also actively promoting disinformation to make these Resets palatable. Overseeing this diversity of institutions is the NWO.

Now we come to a very important realization. ALL INSTITUTIONS ARE MADE UP OF HUMAN BEINGS. All these human beings carry a worldview and a set of values that govern their behavior. Collectively, the convergence of these worldviews, values and behaviors is what we can broadly call CULTURE. One who controls the Culture controls all the institutions that are a mere expression of this Culture.

For example, the Culture of the NWO is scientism and its expression in social Darwinism and technocracy as will be documented in the future articles in this series. In addition, despite their avowed materialism and atheism, huge segments of the NWO elite espouse Satanism6. That is their culture.

Without this knowledge, it becomes difficult to understand why the NWO wants to depopulate the planet, set up Big Brother or1984-type 24/7 surveillance systems, destroy democracies and set up totalitarian and fascist government systems, and ultimately advance transhumanism and the extinction of human species.7

As explained by a KGB defector, the first step in enrolling a country into the control orbit of the NWO is to destroy the beliefs and morality of that country.8 The culture wars involving sadistic aspects of the LGBTQ+ movement is a visible expression of this strategy of the NWO puppet masters. CCH has no problems with gays and lesbians and other expressions of genders. But when these movements become tools of social capture and control, especially of the lives of innocent children, then this is no longer about gender sensitivity and respect. This is about the distortion of human morals and values and the massive and gross violations of human rights of children and pre-teenagers.

In the end worldviews and values emanate from the HUMAN BEING. If one is mostly unconscious in terms of one’s relationship to these layers of causality, then one can fall victim to the conscious lies and programming of the NWO. One is then easily indoctrinated to support the manipulative culture and belief system.

However, if one is awake to all the machinations, one can practice “structuration”.9 This sociological phenomena characterizes the reflexivity in societal systems. One can be an active agent (reflexivity) in transforming a society instead of suffering the fate of a passive victim under the onslaught of oppressive bureaucracies and social institutions.

One becomes an agent of change in the different layers of the system. Structuration can take many forms. Resistance is one typical form. With a resistance of various kinds (eg. litigation, demonstration, dissemination of alternative and more truthful information), then one moves from being a mere consumer of information to an active shaper of the future of humanity, even if only in small increments.

CCH is ultimately about helping all humans around the world recognize that a tiny tyrannical global elite has started rolling out an outrageous, aggressive, extremely harmful control grid with stunning speed around the world. The Covid lockdown, forced vaccinations and other Covid abuses are but the beginning expressions of this capacity for global control.

CCH is one of an increasing number of groups around the world that is rallying humans all over to engage in the ultimate battle for the future of the human spirit. If we do, then we can push back the totalitarian and totally meaningless and depressive future that awaits all humanity in the age of the Great Reset.

Our thinking creates our reality. Our thinking has to be strong and courageous enough to break through the fog of disinformation and censorship. We deserve a real human future, not one under the control of global demonic leaders who have zero compassion for all that is truly human.

  1. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/01/09/understanding-the-great-reset-and-its-attack-on-humanity-part-1/
  2. CCH’s website, https://covidcalltohumanity.org, has close to 2,000 articles on the various aspects of the Covid scam and the New World Order. Figure 2 below is taken from CCH’s framework for analyzing world events. However, we tweaked and expanded the details and the explanation of Figure 2 for this article.
  3. As is now well-known public, Twitter (X) distanced itself from the censorship and has allowed more free speech to occur in its platform. There is still censorship at X but not to the same extent as it did during the fake Covid pandemic.
  4. Russia has apparently removed itself from the orbit of the New World Order due to disagreements connected with the role of NATO in the region and subsequent proxy war of US/NATO with Russia in Ukraine.
  5. https://mronline.org/2022/07/06/anatomy-of-a-coup/. See also, “Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call”, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957. This is the BBC report on the leaked transcript of US interference in the Maidan coup in 2014.
  6. Satan’s New World Order. https://www.amazon.com/SATANS-Leaders-Building-Kingdom-Antichrist/dp/B000XHGOM8. See also, https://stopworldcontrol.com/bernard/. NWO sacrifices children in Satanic rituals as revealed by whistleblower and former NWO insider.
  7. See details of this in Part 1 of this series on the New World Order. See Reference #1 above.
  8. “KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov 1985 Interview. Explains KGB Manipulation of US Public Opinion”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOmXiapfCs8
  9. Anthony Giddens, a prominent sociologist from the UK, is the most wide-ranging scholar defending the theory of structuration in the social sciences. https://www.britannica.com/topic/structuration-theory

1 thought on “Understanding The Great Reset and Its Attack on Humanity, Part 2: How the Different Attacks Reinforce Each Other

  1. Newbies on conspiracy should know that the institutions/organizations mentioned are just front organizations for the public to see. But the some of the members therein are part of secret societies which are being directed by higher secret societies. And its where Freemasonry/Illuminati/Ninth Circle/Committee of 300 and other secret councils get involve in the list. And a religious order (discovery of it may shock most people) controls all of these from the top.

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