February 13, 2025

CCH Sends Senate Petition of Filipinos to Stop SB1869 and WHO Agreements

CCH Sends Senate Petition of Filipinos to Stop SB1869 and WHO Agreements

Covid Call to Humanity (CCH) informed the Philippine Senate today that more than 550 Filipinos have signed a Petition to the Senate demanding the Senate stop the SB1869 and the WHO Agreements. 

In a letter to all 24 Senators, CCH wrote: 

“Your bill, SB1869, wants to bind the future of our country with WHO’s global health governance. This is a serious mistake as the WHO failed miserably in managing the global COVID-19 pandemic.

“Now the WHO is breaking its laws to try to bait countries to sign its two deeply flawed Agreements that are being rejected by more and more nations around the world. WHO was supposed to have given Member States a final negotiating text last January 27, 2024. No such text exists. Instead, they are going to surprise delegates to the May 27, 2024, World Health Assembly with an unfinished contentious text.

“You have vowed to serve the people of the Philippines. This is not the kind of help our country needs as articulated in great detail in the six (6)  Briefing Papers on SB1869 that Covid Call to Humanity sent to and received by your offices.

“Filipinos are deeply concerned as well. More than 550 of them have signed the attached petition asking the Senate not to approve SB 1869 and to inform the Executive Branch not to approve the two WHO Agreements. These latter are the Pandemic Agreement and Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005).

“See also this link which shows that actual Petition on the Internet.  https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/05/05/petition-to-pbbm-senate-and-congress-stop-the-w-h-o-control-of-nations-the-who-proposed-agreements-legitimize-global-medical-martial-law/

“Be the real statesmen and women you aimed to be. Do not enact SB1869 and publicly reject the WHO Agreements as grave dangers to the freedoms, rights, health, and dignity of all Filipinos.”

The staff of Senators have acknowledged receiving our Petition. CCH would like to express its profound gratitude to those who signed the Petition. We have to resist this outrageous evil not just in thought, but also in action. 

CCH is further thankful for those who took the time to write comments on the CCH website regarding the Petition. 

It is too early to count chickens before the eggs have hatched. But, in all likelihood, and God willing, the Senate will not enact SB1869 into law as they close the 2nd Regular Session of the 19th Congress this coming Friday, May 24, 2024. 

There is internal resistance within the Senate on SB1869. Some Senators have awakened to the dangers of their bill. There will be interpolations should SB1869 be introduced in the Senate Plenary. Time will be too short to pass a meaningful bill. 

Whatever happens, CCH will be back to explain the future course of SB1869. We will also keep you posted on developments in the upcoming meeting of the World Health Assembly where the two totalitarian proposed WHO Agreements are going to be discussed. 

CCH will also share additional good news at the appropriate time after the results of the World Health Assembly are announced. Then, we will explain why the WHO has made some terrible mistakes that severely weaken its plot to dominate and control the world. 

For those who want to get a hint of the terrible WHO blunders, watch this newly loaded video on the Rumble Channel of CCH. 

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