An Invitation: Healing From Lockdown and Mandatory Vaccination, From Trauma and Tragedy to Resilience and Victory

Dear Friends,
For years, we have been repeating the same message: if we are to overcome the challenges that beset humanity today, we must awaken and act together. On Saturday, May 18, 2024, key individuals who have been instrumental in the Philippines’ fight for freedom and dignity during the COVID scamdemic and the years and months following, will come together to once again fight for medical choice, bodily sovereignty, human rights, truth and accountability.

From the organizers:
This event aims to put the public on notice, illuminating the profound impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on society, public health, and human rights, shedding light on medical martial law and the implications of WHO/IHR Amendments for national sovereignty and global dynamics.
We seek to facilitate healing from the trauma inflicted by the pandemic, while preparing hearts and minds for the challenges ahead.
We aspire to create an empowering environment where participants can connect with a supportive community, aligned with Truth and guided by Love, ultimately leading them towards God’s Kingdom.
Our goal is to foster hope and empowerment, offering a pathway to recovery, solutions, and alignment with God’s Divine Purpose.
Come join us at this special event and become part of the path forward. Please REGISTER by clicking the following image (or scanning the QR code in the poster above). Entrance fee for in-person attendance is PHP250 inclusive of snacks and handouts.
- 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Registration
- 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. Opening Ceremonies and Welcome Remarks
- 9:30 – 10:45 a.m. Session 1: The early years of COVID-19 (2020 – 2021)
- COVID-19 Pandemic: Drama and Realities, Dr. Allan Landrito
- Global and National Economic Damages Due to Lockdown Dictatorship, Declining Global Life Expectancy Due to Mandatory Vaccination, Bienvenido Nonoy Oplas, Columnist, BusinessWorld
- 11:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Session 2: Mandatory Vaccination and Human Rights Violations (Nov 2021 to July 2023)
- The Unbearable Illegality of Vaccine Mandates, Atty. Jeremy Gatdula, Dean, UA&P College of Law
- Human Rights Violations, Coercion and Forced/Mandatory Vaccination, Violations against RA 11525, Atty. Aaron Soguilon, Juan Dakila
- Vaccine Toxicity, Dr. Romeo Quijano, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, UP College of Medicine
- 1:45 – 3:15 p.m. Session 3: Post “Pandemic” Diseases, Excess Deaths, and the Threat of Global Martial Law
- Data Analysis on Health Perspective: Excess Deaths, Sally Clark, Independent Data Analyst, Investigative Journalist
- Vaccines injuries: Real and certainly not rare, Dr. Marivic Villa MD FCCP, Board Certified Pulmonologist, Internist, Critical Care, Functional and Anti-Aging Medicine, Florida USA
- WHO Power Grab: Pandemic Treaty & IHR Amendments = Path to Global Martial Law, Nicanor Perlas, Founder, Covid Call to Humanity, Lead Petitioner in Perlas vs. IATF
- 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Session 4: Moving Forward with Resilience and Hope: Transforming From Victimhood to Victory
- Detox and Wellness, Dr. Marivic Villa, MD FCCP, Board Certified Pulmonologist, Internist, Critical Care, Functional and Anti Aging Medicine, Florida USA
- Legal Solutions, Righteousness and God-given Rights, Atty. Ting Bello, Legal Lightworkers for Life and Liberty
- Community Organizing, Pastora Alcherie Patiño, Alliance of Dabaweños for Free and Informed Choice (ADFIC), Arise People of Revelation 300
- 5:00 – 5:45 p.m. Integration and Community Call to ActionThis final session will be an integration of the day’s events and the formal public launching of the Lunas Pilipinas Movement.Activities:
- Wall of Memory: We will honor the COVID martyrs: Dr. Iggy Agbayani, those who died of COVID, and those who have died because of the COVID19 vaccines, hospital proto-kills, and government mishandling and misconduct.
- Solidarity Messages from the international community
- Formal launching of the Lunas Pilipinas Coalition
- Signing of petition to stop the WHO Power Grab
- Reading and signing of the Lunas Pilipinas Manifesto