National Digital ID System Is Coming To Australia: What It Means For Citizens

National Digital ID System Is Coming To Australia: What It Means For Citizens

In this article for 9News, Daniel Jeffrey discusses the implications of legislation for national ID in Australia. The law, which passed the Senate in late March is due to be deliberated in the lower house in the upcoming parliamentary sitting period this May 2024.

According to Jeffrey, the digital ID law will consolidate personal documents and other information about a citizen, which they hope, will “stop [the] oversharing of personal information”. Once the law passes, private companies will be allowed to tap into the national digital ID system when verifying their customers’ IDs.

Editor’s Note: Remember how governments promised that SIM card registration would eliminate scams? Well, that hasn’t happened so far. Moreover, even the most cybersecure countries have experienced data leaks in the last year [Read about the Mother of All Breaches where data of more than 26 billion accounts were exposed].

We know governments say that the Digital ID itself will “prevent” data breaches, but really, there is no concrete proof of that claim. Unfortunately for Australians, their government has been too ready to jump into authoritarianism if they have an opportunity to do so [Remind yourself of what Australia did during the COVID scamdemic, read Australian Health Official Tells the Senate to Lie to the Public About the Covid Jab Adverse Events, No freedom in Australia: Unvaccinated cannot participate in society, Australian police officer: Government is using police as tool to maintain authoritarian public health policies, Australia restricts use of life-saving Ivermectin through bureaucratic decree, Australian military troops sent to Sydney to help enforce new coronavirus lockdown].

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