Disease X: Red Carpet to Achieve WHO Dictatorship

In my prognosis for 2024, I predicted that:

Using the UN as WEF’s battering ram, expect the rollout of new pandemic lockdowns thanks to the bogus WHO Pandemic Treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations, both to be formalized and signed in May 2024. 

With the One Health, surveillance, censorship, and governance provisions in the WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHR arrangements, prepare to be battered with climate lockdowns, digital IDs of all kinds, massive censorship of truthful information, and the takeover of democracies worldwide by fake WHO pandemic emergency regulations.1

Barely had the ink dried on that January 10, 2024 prediction and it is now most likely unfolding before our very eyes. The world is now abuzz of Disease X. Just see the postings on Disease X in Twitter (X). This announcement from the World Economic Forum triggered the frenzy of posts in social media sites and other websites.

What is equally alarming is that this topic at the WEF is part of the agenda of a session called “A LONG-TERM STRATEGY FOR CLIMATE, NATURE AND ENERGY”.2 Health is not even mentioned. But does not the inclusion of pandemic considerations under the rubric of Climate, Nature and Energy subtly introduce the pet agenda of the WHO? This pet agenda is nothing other than its One Health agenda that is so encompassing that it will practically place all nations that agree to the Treaty under the control of the WHO.3

Meanwhile, mainstream media, as usual, basically branded the concern as coming from ”right-wing social media accounts”. Here is a report from the mainstream media, Forbes.4

The World Economic Forum’s run-of-the-mill pandemic preparation session was blown out of proportion late this week, leading to the phrase “Disease X” trending on both Twitter and Google at times. … Right-wing social media accounts slammed the session, charging that world leaders would convene to discuss plans to impose vaccine mandates, restrict free speech, and even plan pandemics themselves.

On Thursday night, former Trump-era Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs for the U.S. Treasury Department and Fox News analyst Monica Crowley tweeted a baseless warning that ‘unelected globalists at the World Elected Forum will hold a panel on a future pandemic 20x deadlier than COVID.’

‘Just in time for the election, a new contagion to allow them to implement a new WHO treaty, lock down again, restrict free speech and destroy more freedoms,’ she wrote. ‘Sound far-fetched? So did what happened (sic!) in 2020.’

It is interesting that Forbes left out key sentences in the tweet of Crowley. Here is here full tweet.

From the same people who brought you COVID-19 now comes Disease X: …. Next week in Davos, the unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum will hold a panel on a future pandemic 20x deadlier than COVID … starring the head of the WHO (which is essentially controlled by the Chinese Communist Party) [referring to Tedros Ghebreyesus] and the Chair of the Board of AstraZeneca. … I guess they figured Bill Gates on the panel would be too obvious. … Just in time for the election, a new contagion to allow them to implement a new WHO treaty, lock down again, restrict free speech and destroy more freedoms. Sound far-fetched? So did what happened (sic!) in 2020. …. When your enemies tell you what they’re planning and what they’re planning FOR, believe them. …. And get ready. (Paragraphs compressed.)5

Crowley’s claims are not that far-fetched especially considering how the so-called Covid pandemic turned out to be a scam6 and, at least, 17 million have already died from the Covid vaccines.7 Now, basically the same actors are involved8 in the Disease X discussions in WEF. Here is how Forbes describes the panelist at the WEF session on Disease X.

Indeed, the organization’s head, Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, will speak at the event, in addition to Michel Demaré, chair of the board of AstraZeneca, Brazil Minister of Health Nisia Trindade Lima, and Jamil Edmond Anderlini, editor in chief of Politico Europe, among others.9

Be that as it may, there is a real concern that Disease X will be more deadly than COVID-19. Dr. John Campbell cited and discussed a scientific study in a Rumble video.10 He showed that Disease X, a product of gain-of-function research or genetic engineering, killed 100% of the humanized mice in lab trials. He also emphasized that the studies showed that Disease X can be transmitted through the air, thereby easily infecting other individuals.

Dr. John Campbell is no conspiracy theorist. At one point, he was positively viewed in mainstream circles for his reasonable discussions on Covid 19.11 Then he gradually realized that the Covid narrative had many gaps in the data and evidence. He slowly changed his position. As he started poking holes in the Covid narrative, more and more people viewed his videos in YouTube. Per one estimate, Dr. Campbell’s videos reached 653 million viewers and 2.94 million subscribers.12 Occasionally Dr. Campbell’s videos would be banned by YouTube.13 The ban just highlights the reality that Dr. Campbell is enlightening his viewers interested in finding out the truth surrounding the Covid fiasco.

In short, Disease X is clearly a product of gain-of-function research, aka bioweapon, that is both easily transmissible and deadly.14 One can just imagine the scare tactics that mainstream media and complicit government officials will inflict upon citizens all over the world.

But there is a difference between the Covid scare and the hysteria around Disease X. If the science is accurate, Disease X is much more deadly than Covid. It will kill millions of people, especially now that the Covid vaccines severely weakened the immune systems of so many people around the planet.

Now that Disease X is poised for release to consciously infect humanity, is it a coincidence that the UK Parliament just postponed its investigation into Covid-19 and gave no clear date as to when it would be resumed?15 Are they afraid that the UK investigation may blunt the release of Disease X if the hearings reveal that Covid 19 was a global scam intended to and did harm humanity?

The New World Order control initiatives have been blunted and are being blunted all over the world. Just witness the massive demonstrations in Germany and neighboring countries16 as well as the millions demonstrating in dozens of countries against the genocide in Gaza.17 Disease X is a desperate attempt to regain control of humanity through fear-mongering and actual harm. We have to carefully watch how they try to roll out Disease X and cause panic and deaths.

Meanwhile, since Disease X is a preparatory attack to achieve global dictatorship through the WHO pandemic accords, we should all try our best to prevent our governments from kneeling before the WHO and committing political suicide through obvious and insufferable treason.

  1. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/01/10/2024-plunge-into-destruction-or-birth-of-a-new-humanity/
  2. Ibid.
  3. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/07/26/enacting-sb-1869-into-law-coud-lead-to-treason-cch-warns-senate-as-it-releases-its-3rd-briefing-paper-on-sb-1869/. See page 10 of this Briefing Paper for the Philippine Senate where the proper sections of the Pandemic Treaty, Bureau’s Text, on One Health is cited.
  4. https://fortune.com/well/2024/01/12/what-is-disease-x-world-economic-forum-pandemic-planning/
  5. https://twitter.com/MonicaCrowley/status/1745509066246336739. The tweet of Crowley contained many paragraphs. I just combined them into one sentence for ease in reading.
  6. Hundreds of articles in Covid Call to Humanity, https://covidcalltohumanity.org, document the scam.
  7. https://correlation-canada.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/2023-09-17-Correlation-Covid-vaccine-mortality-Southern-Hemisphere-cor.pdf. See also, https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/12/11/cch-briefing-paper-on-sb1869-no-4-sb1869-will-kill-harm-thousands-of-filipinos-the-covid-vaccines-have-already-killed-13-million-people-worldwide/. Although the number in the second reference is lower, it reinforces the point that the Covid vaccines killed millions of people.
  8. See the role of WHO in the scam here: https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/02/22/briefing-paper-on-sb1869-why-sb1869-approval-needs-to-be-stopped-now-and-the-bill-radically-revised/ and here, https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2023/05/08/cch-releases-2nd-briefing-paper-warning-senate-not-to-surrender-philippine-sovereignty-to-sex-maniacs-and-pedophiles-at-the-who-un/
  9. https://fortune.com/well/2024/01/12/what-is-disease-x-world-economic-forum-pandemic-planning/
  10. https://rumble.com/v46h21x-new-brain-virus.html
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Campbell_(YouTuber)
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Campbell_(YouTuber). Wikipedia has, unfortunately, become a tool of disinformation. But even when they fact-check or deconstruct somebody’s biography, one can still glean interesting information if one is adept enough to do so. There is a lot of disinformation regarding Dr. Campbell in this article, including its attack on the effectiveness of Ivermectin. But Campbell’s degree of influence is accurately documented in this article.
  13. https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1330296/pg1
  14. Dr. John Campbell describes how Disease X was created through gain-of-function or genetic engineering research and is clearly a bioweapon. https://rumble.com/v46h21x-new-brain-virus.html
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noNa3WUGpC8
  16. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/01/10/massive-farmer-protest-rocks-germany/ and https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/01/11/farmer-revolt-in-germany-more-massive-and-effective-than-reported-in-mainstream-media-an-eyewitness-account-from-a-german-executive/.
  17. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/01/14/south-africa-argues-genocide-case-against-israel-at-the-uns-top-court-will-a-rule-based-or-law-based-world-order-prevail/

3 thoughts on “Disease X: Red Carpet to Achieve WHO Dictatorship

  1. I greatly appreciate all efforts from CCH for all these infos to be disseminated. I always try to share/inform people I come accross with, of all these , but sad as it is, hardly anyone cares.

    forever grateful,

    1. Few people can swallow the truth that we don’t live in paradise. That the real world we live in has people who wanted to rule other people that wanted to be free.

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