July 27, 2024

Change is coming, but it will not be from billionaire philanthropists

Change is coming, but it will not be from billionaire philanthropists

This 2020 article published by The Guardian explores the problem with philanthropy and why it cannot bring about the social change that the world needs. The article says, “A lot of elite philanthropy is all about elite causes. Rather than making the world a better place, it largely reinforces the world as it is”.

Editor’s Notes: This article is important because it shows why philanthropy cannot replace government responsibility, and that it is, in fact, the cause of perpetual inequalities. If we are to address societal issues, democratic decision-making is still the way forward. Authoritarian societies characterized by social credit scores, censorship, and surveillance will only serve the interests of one group. [Also read Top Dutch Banker Reveals Crimes of the Elites: Money-laundering, War-Mongering, Child Sacrifices, Etc., While we were distracted by Will Smith, the Elites were planning how to take over the world].

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