February 13, 2025

Biometric Digital ID Systems: A Path Towards Total Control

Biometric Digital ID Systems: A Path Towards Total Control

In this August 23, 2023 article for The Defender, Michael Nevradakis writes about the Modular Open Source Identity Platform (MOSIP). The platform, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank, and eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, resolves concerns about the global interoperability of digital systems, as well as address the risk of “technological lock-in” due to closed and proprietary systems being used by some governments.

According to the report, MOSIP is aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), which calls for the provision of digital legal identity for all. Because it is open-sourced, it will enable low and middle-income countries to roll out digital platforms and streamline their service provision.

Critics maintain that rolling out digital identities is “not merely a new, more handy, lightweight, digital form of identification. It refers to a collection of data that purportedly define who we are, including what we do online and offline”. Biometric digital IDs are “far more sinister… Controlling people means controlling ID”.

Editor’s Note: The war against freedom is becoming clear as countries are now attempting various ways of controlling their people – first through masking and lockdowns, and increasingly, through more sinister methods such as digital IDs, SIM card registration, and in the case of the Philippines, the passing of laws such as SB 1869.

Also, though MOSIP is an open-sourced platform, there is no discussion on who has control over the data it collects. If governments use the platform, how sure are we that our data will not be sold to the highest bidder? We must remember how Google and Facebook sold us “free” services, which turned out to be a great data mining scam. We can be sure that MOSIP will also move in this direction. After all, there is no such thing as free lunch.

The direction they are pushing us towards is also clear to see – they want to transition humans from the organic, spiritual beings that we are, into one that is fully synthetic, and hence fully dependent on “technological products”. We encourage our readers to visit our other website, https://fully-human.org where you can gain a deeper understanding of transhumanism and humanity’s quest for technological immortality. We recommend you start with the articles THE 2045 MOVEMENT AND THE MANY PATHS TOWARDS HUMAN IMMORTALITY, HUMAN AUGMENTATION: MAKING YOUR BRAIN HACKABLE and THE TRANSHUMANIST DREAM: FOR HUMANS TO BECOME COMPUTERS.

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