On February 27, 2023, World Health Organization (WHO) member states will begin negotiations for the creation of a new pandemic treaty. Under this treaty, the WHO will be required to reserve 20% of tests, vaccines, or treatments developed for use in poor countries.
The draft of the proposal also includes the suspension of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS agreement) which is widely opposed by the pharmaceutical industry.
Editor’s Note: This article is significant because it shows us how the WHO is rebranding the pandemic treaty so that it becomes acceptable to people.
The WHO, together with its pharma-funded partners have failed at handling the COVID propaganda, despite having the support of governments, their regulatory agencies, and mainstream media [see Health Officials Admit Bill Gates Runs The World]. They are now gaslighting us by saying that it is our fault. They point their fingers at the “failure of the international community in showing solidarity and equity in response to COVID” but they make no attempt to explain what such “failure” has led to in terms of health outcomes.
African countries fared well despite rejecting WHO’s recommended pandemic response [see African experience proves countries “mishandled” COVID, Africa ready to transition out of pandemic phase of COVID, South African GP Who Raised Alarm on Omicron Says She was Pressured by Governments Not to Call the Variant “Mild”, Scientists Mystified, Wary, as Africa Avoids COVID Disaster]. Meanwhile, the US and Europe which went into a full authoritarian mode in order to force people to take vaccines, have fared terribly compared to the “poorer countries” that experienced a “lack” of tests, vaccines, and pharma-preferred COVID treatments.
Make no mistake: this new pandemic treaty is nothing more than an attempt at forcing countries into compliance. The end goal is to impose a failed one-size-fits-all approach to pandemic response which only benefits private interests.
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