July 27, 2024

Mass Surveillance Technologies Put in Place During Pandemic Are Here To Stay

This article is very important for us Filipinos, especially as we are in the middle of the battle against HB 6522 which seeks to institutionalize surveillance in our country.

Mass Surveillance Technologies Put in Place During Pandemic Are Here To Stay

This article by Dr. Joseph Mercola details the reality that surveillance systems initially used to “monitor and track the virus” is now being used for mass monitoring which is no longer related to the “pandemic”.

Mercola’s revelations come following a report released by the Associated Press (AP) in December 2022 entitled “Police seize on COVID-19 tech to expand global surveillance”. The AP notes “In the pandemic’s bewildering early days, millions worldwide believed government officials who said they needed confidential data for new tech tools that could help stop coronavirus’ spread. In return, governments got a firehose of individuals’ private health details”.

Mercola goes on to demonstrate how countries are “repurposing” these surveillance techs for social control.

Editor’s Note: We had warned in 2020 that mainstreaming freedom-curtailing technologies would have massive effects on our civil liberties. What began as a two-week lockdown has now mutated into the biggest battle for human liberty [See Vaccines: Trojan Horses for Global Sterilization and Surveillance].

This article is very important for us Filipinos, especially as we are in the middle of the battle against HB 6522 which seeks to institutionalize surveillance in our country. Filipinos, take heed! If we do not speak out against this bill, we will doom our children into digital slavery. [See Open Letter To Our Senators: You Must Exercise Due Diligence on the Bill Creating the Philippine CDC, Kalayaan News Episode 31: “H.B 6522” Batas na Magtutupad sa Digital na Kulungan. If you are ready to speak up, check out the article Sign the Petition: Stop The DOH’s Plan To Institutionalize Pandemic Tyranny].

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