Pro-Vax Cardiologist Shifts Stance, Calls For The Immediate Suspension of COVID Shots

Pro-Vax Cardiologist Shifts Stance, Calls For The Immediate Suspension of COVID Shots

Pro-Vax Cardiologist Shifts Stance, Calls For The Immediate Suspension of COVID Shots

Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist who promoted the experimental shots on TV has called on governments around the world to suspend the vaccine rollout following the results of a study he conducted. The report on this was written and published by Dr. Joseph Mercola last October 4, 2022.

Malhotra’s research, now a peer-reviewed scientific review published in two parts by the Journal of Insulin Resistance, states, “In the non-elderly population, the ‘number needed to treat’ to prevent a single death runs into the thousands. Re-analysis of randomized controlled trials using the messenger ribonucleic acid technology suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalized from COVID-19”.

Malhotra adds, “It cannot be said that the consent to receive these agents were fully informed, as required ethically and legally. A pause and reappraisal of global vaccination for COVID-19 is long overdue”.

Editor’s Note: There are good people in the world whose principles stand on truth and science. When these people awaken to the reality that science is being suppressed, they become a force to be reckoned with.

Dr. Malhotra, along with several other previously pro-vaccine doctors like Dr. Paul Offit and Dr. Suneel Dhand, may have realized the truth later than the others [see Dr. Paul Offit Cautions Against New Bivalent Covid Shots: FDA Approved It Without Clinical Trials, Reason To Doubt It Beats Original Vaccine, Influential journal publishes warning on boosters, Pro-vaccine internal medicine doctor explains why he won’t take the COVID vaccine].

But their speaking up now is proof of what we have been saying [see Pfizer’s Assassin Vaccine, “Vaccines” are Premeditated Murder. MSM Snubs Massive Proof].

The science regarding COVID and these so-called vaccines have been available from the very beginning if people were only willing to look and be critical. It is proof that the scientific establishment has been corrupted to look the other way, to the detriment of people who have trusted them.

In light of this new article, we are now reminded of two peer-reviewed studies. The first one, COVID vaccines kill two people for every three lives it saves, was published by the journal Vaccines, but was later retracted following pressure from the journal’s board. The second, featured in Dr. Byram Bridle: Study saying unvaccinated increases COVID risk for vaccinated must be retracted immediately, is still published despite the criticisms it has received from the wider scientific community.

Can you guess why the second article is still published to this day, despite new evidence showing that the conclusions of the study were wrong and discriminatory? This is one of many ways how the enemies of humanity work. They promote lies and censor the truth.

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