July 27, 2024

Australian Doctors Publish Letter Identifying Mistakes Made in Australia’s Pandemic Management, Calls On Other Doctors To Speak Out

Australian Doctors Publish Letter Identifying Mistakes Made in Australia’s Pandemic Management, Calls On Other Doctors To Speak Out

The following letter was released by the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS) and is accompanied by a report written by Phillip M. Altman. The report cataloged the many mistakes made in Australia’s pandemic management and the harms it caused.

Aside from the letter, the AMPS has created a Health Form Declaration which recommended amendments to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and to the Therapeutic Good Act which could prevent the country from repeating the same mistakes. The AMPS will submit the Declaration to the Senators and Members of the Federal Parliament for action.

Editor’s Note: The AMPS letter is important because it returns the medical service to doctors and their patients.

It is also proof of the fact that governments have overreached in forcing people to take an experimental vaccine.

We encourage you to read the report by Altman because it summarized everything we know about the gene-based COVID shots. It will also strengthen our position that the COVID shots were unnecessary and dangerous and that governments should never have forced people into taking them. [Also read Member of European Parliament Christine Anderson Denounces Vaccine Mandates, Member Of European Parliament: COVID Vaccine Coercion Biggest Crime Ever Committed on Humanity].

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