January 25, 2025

Bill Gates Proposes the Creation of a Global Pandemic Protection Team

Bill Gates Proposes the Creation of a Global Pandemic Protection Team

In this April 28, 2022 article for The Wall Street Journal, Bill Gates discusses the importance of establishing a global agency that will detect and respond to disease outbreaks long before it spreads.

Gates says, “Covid did not happen because there were too few smart, compassionate people trying to prevent it. Covid happened because the world hasn’t created an environment in which smart, compassionate people can make the most of their skills as part of a strong, well-prepared system…What we need is a well-funded global organization with enough full-time experts in all the necessary areas, the credibility, and authority that come with being a public institution, and a clear remit to focus on preventing pandemics”.

This group of experts, Gates calls the Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization (GERM). Their main goal: is “to wake up every day asking themselves the same questions: ‘Is the world ready for the next outbreak? What can we do to be better prepared?… The GERM team should have the ability to declare a pandemic and work with national governments and the World Bank to raise money for the response very quickly.”

He adds, “GERM should be managed by the WHO, the only group that can give it global credibility”.

Editor’s Note: There is no doubt in our minds that this article (which is part of his new book How to Prevent the Next Pandemic) was written to support the global pandemic treaty that would give the World Health Organization the capacity to make decisions in behalf of countries in the event of a pandemic [read World Health Assembly Agrees to Launch Process to Develop Global Treaty to Fight Pandemics, World Council for Health Sounds Alarms on WHO’s pandemic treaty initiative to find out the various powers that the WHO will gain if this unlawful pandemic treaty is signed].

At first glance, Gates’ ideas sound rational, and might in fact hasten pandemic response around the world. The problem is that Gates is also the biggest funder of the WHO1, which means that he has control over the organization’s worldview. His “health” interests are dubious and based on the past two years of the COVID hysteria he helped propagate, it is motivated, not by the common desire to alleviate suffering, but to garner power and profit for himself.

We recommend that you read Gates’ article in full so that you can see how this new GERM group is nothing more than a space for brainwashing health practitioners into thinking that there is no other way of handling “pandemics” than what the GERM has established. Based on Gates’ background, we can expect that this GERM group will be a major proponent of experimental pharmaceutical interventions and the experimentation on humans. It will leave little room for alternative healing modalities which are proven to have the capacity to cure and sometimes reverse disease.

This Gates article is attempting to legitimize the One World Government that will be established first through the WHO. Will you allow this to happen to know what he has in store for humanity? [Read and watch Public Seminar Episode 30: The Moral Collapse of Humanity, Episode 31: Transhumanism 101. Know It. Your Life Depends on It. Part 1, Public Seminar Episode 32: Transhumanism 101: Know It! Your Life Depends on It Part II].

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  1. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/gates-foundation-now-whos-biggest-funder/articleshow/76145069.cms

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