Day: November 16, 2021
Nicanor Perlas to speak at Radyo Bandera
Mr. Nicanor Perlas, Chief Researcher at Covid Call to Humanity will speak at Radyo Bandera Palawan this coming Saturday, November 20, 2021 at 7:00-8:00 in the morning. The radio show is hosted by Mr. Rod Saucelo. Start your Saturday right by listening and watching on our FB Page! Also visit RADYO BANDERA NATIONWIDE FB:
Mandaluyong City Covid-19 Cases are Driven by Vaccinated
This is a follow-up article of the one published in September 2021 [See Mandaluyong City uses new reporting strategy: Shows more vaccinated people getting symptomatic COVID]. It is based on the data published by Mandaluyong City on their Facebook page [See]. In the September article, we have informed you that what was driving the…
STOP UNSCIENTIFIC AND DESTRUCTIVE COVID COERCION NOW (Activated 07 November 2021) We, individuals and groups, numbering in the millions, deeply concerned and alarmed with the unscientific, destructive, and deadly covid mandates and vaccines of the government, national and local, hereby declare the following: Whereas, the Philippines never suffered from excess deaths from COVID-19 and therefore…
New Study Confirms: Vitamin D Supplementation is an Essential COVID-19 Treatment
The following article was published by PubMed last November 12, 2021, conducted by Mustafa Sait Gönen et al., titled “Rapid and Effective Vitamin D Supplementation May Present Better Clinical Outcomes in COVID-19”. The study’s main goal was to establish an astute treatment protocol to evaluate the effectiveness of vitamin D3 supplementation and its significance in…
California Town Pushes Back, Officials Say They Will Not Follow State and Federal Vaccine Mandates
The following attached article features a six-minute interview between Fox News and Scott Thomson, vice mayor of Oroville, California. In this video, Thomson explains his town decided to go against the state and federal vaccine mandate. He also discussed the possible consequences of their decisions. Thomson said, “For me, it’s one thing to ask someone…