July 18, 2024

Hundreds of vaccinated Indonesian health workers test positive for COVID-19


This June 18, 2021 article from ABS-CBN reports on the growing number of health care workers who tested positive for COVID-19.

According to the report, 350 doctors and medical doctors vaccinated with Sinovac have contracted COVID-19. Majority of the health care workers were asymptomatic and isolating at home but dozens have been hospitalized following high fever and falling oxygen-saturation levels. Reports say that these new cases are of the Delta variant [formerly known as the Indian variant, read Scientists admit Indian variant may not be as dangerous as first thought to know why media changed the naming convention for variants].

Editor’s Note: Health authorities in Indonesia blame “pandemic fatigue” where people are being less vigilant in following health protocols following vaccination. As usual, no data is presented to prove this claim.

We know, however, that testing positive for COVID following vaccination is not unique for Indonesia, many other countries are experiencing the same thing [see Early adopters of Chinese vaccines see surges in COVID-positive cases and CDC: 5,800 fully vaccinated Americans have contracted COVID-19, 74 dead]. Breakthrough cases (COVID infection following vaccination) is happening for ALL COVID vaccines.

The promised herd immunity from vaccines have not come to pass. Shouldn’t governments be thinking twice about the vaccine rollouts by now?

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