
The following article was written by Kamlesh Bhuckory and Antony Squazzin for Bloomberg. It was published last May 5, 2021, and was updated May 6, 2021.

In this article, we discover that Seychelles, the most vaccinated country in the world, has instituted coronavirus measures to curb the increase in COVID cases. The measures include the closure of schools, cancellation of sporting activities, bans on the intermingling of households, and curfews. The measures are in place for two weeks.

Seychelles has vaccinated 62.2% of its adult population. Meanwhile, Israel has a vaccination rate of 55.9%. 59% of doses administered in Seychelles are Sinopharm and Covishield (the Indian version of Astra Zeneca) injections.

To date, the public health commissioner, Jude Gedeon has not yet made a statement to explain the sudden rise in cases. Other officials blame the “surge” on the Easter celebration and people taking fewer precautions after vaccination.

Editor’s Note: This article is the real-world proof that vaccination DOES NOT PREVENT INFECTION [a fact that has been repeated by Dr. Fauci several times, see Fauci: Early COVID-19 vaccines will only prevent symptoms, not block infection], and it CANNOT PREVENT TRANSMISSION. Statements from health departments alluding to such (that vaccines can prevent infection and transmission of the virus) are false.

So, if the experimental COVID vaccines cannot prevent infection and transmission, then they cannot be used for herd immunity. This means that the removal of restrictions cannot be dependent on vaccine uptake as vaccines, if they work, can only be used as personal protection. The government has no business mandating a medical intervention that has no impact on general health.

This article is also significant because once again, the Seychelles government has parroted the mainstream script blaming mass gatherings and the loosening of health protocols for the rise in cases. These statements must not be taken as gospel truth, as it is evident that they are knee-jerk reactions and has no scientific backing.

We now know that just because people gather in one place, doesn’t mean that COVID will spread. We know this from our experience of the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as the massive protests happening in London and several cities in the world which DID NOT lead to spikes in infection [see Black Lives Matter protests did not lead to spike in coronavirus cases, Citizens from more than 20 countries gather for simultaneous rally, Million-strong march for freedom in London ignored by mainstream media].

Also, we now know that masks, social distancing, lockdowns, and obsessive disinfection DO NOT WORK. They were no scientific evidence that supports them previously, and new studies and evidence from countries are showing that we are only wasting precious time and resources insisting on implementing them.

So this now brings us to an important question: what is the real cause of increase in cases in Seychelles. We have our own guess, but feel free to make yours too.

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