DOH: Death of health worker due to COVID-19, not vaccine

In this article for The Philippine Daily Inquirer published March 17, 2021, Cathrine Gonzales reports on the death of a local healthworker following vaccination. In a March 15 joint statement released by the Department of Health (DOH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), they said, “a death was reported in an individual who had received the COVID-19 vaccine and subsequently tested positive for COVID 19…upon completion of the investigation…[we] concluded that the cause of the death was caused by COVID-19 itself, not by the COVID-19 vaccine”.

No other information about the patient has been released by the two agencies.

Editor’s Note: We strongly condemn the conclusion of DOH and FDA regarding the death of this health worker. It is known that the COVID vaccine itself can give test-positive results for COVID-19 [see THE VACCINE DELUSION, PART 1: CBCP Pro-Vaccine Decision Huge Mistake. Vaccines will Not Remove Lockdowns. Ignores Reports of Thousands of COVID-19 Vaccine Serious Injuries Including Death]. It does not mean that COVID killed the person as there has not been enough time since the beginning of inoculation (assuming the health worker was one of the first to receive it in the Philippine) for the virus to spread and create severe symptoms that could lead to death. The DOH and FDA conclusion is basically a lie to the public, so that the public will not develop greater hesitancy in taking the experimental vaccine.

On the other hand, the health worker may have been false positive due to inaccurate RT-PCR that has been plaguing this nation, and therefore, he/she clearly died from the vaccine. And if there were serious symptoms of illness due to COVID-19, it would have been recorded in the joint statement. Absent that, it is clear that the health worker died of the vaccine.

If an investigation has been made, why won’t the DOH and FDA reveal which vaccine was given to the patient, and how many days since vaccination did the death occur? Was the patient healthy, or did he/she have a chronic illness? Will the public be allowed to access the repository of all adverse effects such as those in the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)? Finding answers to these questions will help assess if the patient experienced an antibody dependent enhancement [see What is pathogenic priming?, THE VACCINE DELUSION, PART 1: CBCP Pro-Vaccine Decision Huge Mistake. Vaccines will Not Remove Lockdowns. Ignores Reports of Thousands of COVID-19 Vaccine Serious Injuries Including Death

The lack of transparency is concerning as this death can easily be disregarded and forgotten (and we Filipinos have been known to become forgetful of issues that no longer concern us). In the face of a possible viral immune escape, we must be ever vigilant of the warning signs [read Pro-vaccine expert on”immune escape”, mass vaccination, and the creation of “uncontrollable monster” viruses].

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