In this February 23, 2021 article for Mises Institute, author Anthony Rozmajzl discusses how lockdowns and all other coronavirus restrictions have failed to “flatten the curve”. Rozmajzl also looks at the inconsistencies in COVID-19 statistics by comparing Florida and California. He says that if we look at the real world data, we will find a number of metrics that are rebutting the mainstream COVID-19 narrative.
Rozmajzl also reviews the doomsday predictions for the holidays and other super spreader events and reminds us that none of these predictions have come true. He says, “Data show that from the few weeks prior to February 4, cases have fallen 45 percent in the United States – cases are still declining at a rapid pace despite mid-January warnings that the new variant would create a surge in cases”. He adds that globally, hospitalizations due to COVID-19 continue to fall, and that trends point that the illness is seasonal and a “year’s worth of heavily politicized behavioral mandates, life-destroying lockdowns, and devastating business closures were all for naught”.
Editor’s Note: No wonder the mainstream media has continued to focus on “increasing cases” without looking at the health system’s actual capacity to handle severe and critical cases. If they did, then people can see that our health care system are able to handle the “surge” and that there is nothing to fear. WHO RT-PCR change. Also, we cannot say that the drastic decrease in cases and deaths was due to the vaccine as the drop began just after the holidays, and there were only a few people who were vaccinated by then[efn_note]Less than 10% of people around the world were vaccinated by end of January 2021, see[/efn_note]. Moreover, the drop in cases is happening around the world, even in countries with no vaccines.
In the Philippines, we want to remind people of the reason for the lockdowns imposed in Luzon starting March 15, 2020. They said it will only last for two weeks to prevent our hospitals from getting inundated. They also said it was to prevent infection and consequently, deaths of at-risk populations. Well, hospitals are no longer inundated. And deaths are continuously falling. Have we somehow shifted the goal to having no cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines? Does our government even understand the enormity of that task? [Here is a look Inside the Zero Covid Cult. Also read this article to see the encouraging statistics around the world New cases plummeting and it is not due to vaccines].
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