February 16, 2025

Ethics commission in Switzerland rejects compulsory vaccinations

Ethics commission in Switzerland rejects compulsory vaccinations

The following article was published by SwissInfo.Ch on February 12, 2021. It summarizes a statement released by the National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics (NCE) which advised against mandatory vaccination for certain groups. It said, “To prescribe such self-protection for specific groups would be paternalistic and unjustifiable”. The commission adds that the unequal treatment of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people would only be justified if the vaccination guarantees protection against virus transmission [we know that the experimental COVID vaccines being rolled out today do not offer protection from infection and it does not stop transmission, see Vaccinated people can still get infected with COVID-19, Moderna chief medical officer: No hard evidence showing vaccine can stop spread of virus, Fauci: Early COVID-19 vaccines will only prevent symptoms, not block infection].

The commission adds that vaccination certificates need to be “explicitly regulated”. Read the original statement at Die Nationale Ethikkommission im Bereich der Humanmedizin NEK. You may translate the website using DeepL Translate.

Editor’s Note: This article is important because it highlights the various ethical and scientific hindrances to mandatory vaccination. It tells us that there are uncertainties with regards to the experimental COVID vaccines, and that there uncertainties need to be communicated to citizens in order for them to make the appropriate decision for themselves.

Businesses should not be allowed to mandate vaccinations for both their employees and customers who wish to access their products and services.

If governments will not stop vaccinations due to the threat it poses populations, then they must, at the very least, uphold our fundamental freedoms. Mandatory vaccinations, in any form, must not be allowed to happen.

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