Year: 2020
Why are some populations more affected by COVID-19 than others?
This June 7, 2020 article for The Guardian looks at the various possible reasons why COVID-19 has devastated some populations more than others. Some of the more important factors raised by this article include cross-immunity among coronaviruses, age, sex, socioeconomic status, and COVID-19 national response policies. The article also offers a number of resources that support the idea…
Low COVID-19 mortality associated with high consumption of fermented vegetables
In a new research led by Jean Bousquet, they found that European countries that had a high consumption of fermented vegetables also registered low COVID-19 mortality rate. Fermented foods increase the antioxidant activity of food products, and are known to improve the human microbiome [see How Your Diet Can Help Reduce The COVID-19 Risk], which…
New variant of SARS-COV-2 does not make patients sicker
The new SARS-COV-2 variant may be more infectious, but it is not any more deadly than the original. In every country where the new strain started, researchers discovered that it became the most prevalent form in that area. It must be underscored, however, that despite the emergence of new SARS-COV-2 variants, there is no corresponding…
SARS-COV-2 may have lain dormant across the world for years
In this article written by Sarah Knapton for The Telegraph, she reports on the statements of Dr. Tom Jefferson, senior associate tutor at the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford. Dr. Jefferson says that there is a growing evidence that the virus was elsewhere before it emerged in Asia. He says that the coronavirus may have…
Oxfam: The hunger crisis linked to the coronavirus could kill more than the disease itself
A new report published by Oxfam, estimated that 12,000 people per day could die from hunger as a result of the coronavirus. For Interim Executive Director Chema Vera, the pandemic was the final straw for millions who were already struggling due to conflict, inequality, broken food systems, and the climate crisis. The report also highlights…
First COVID-19 vaccinations begin in Africa
Human trials for COVID-19 vaccines started in Africa last June 2020. This large-scale trial will also include Britain and Brazil. Volunteers to the trials received the vaccine developed by the Oxford Vaccine Group. Editor’s Note: Why are human trials underway, when no COVID-19 vaccine has been proven safe yet? Take note that the Oxford Vaccine Group…
Why is Japan’s COVID-19 death rate mysteriously low?
In this article for BBC News, Rupert Wingfield-Hayes looks at the Japanese COVID-19 response and how the country was able to prevent massive deaths despite having the right conditions for rapid transmission of the virus – a huge elderly population, and jam-packed cities. Some experts say that Japan’s culture of mask-wearing and Japanese mores on greetings (bowing…
10 million children may never return to school after coronavirus
An entire generation of children had their education disrupted with the imposition of lockdowns worldwide. But even as some countries are preparing to go back to normal, a report published by Save The Children says that the economic fallout due to the pandemic would force 90 to 117 million children into poverty. And as young…
These countries are using COVID-19 to oppress citizens
This 8-minute video shows is an interview between CCN Correspondent AWA Damon and three individuals from different countries: Adrian Jjuuko, human rights lawyer from Uganda, Ariel Casilao, opposition politician and activist from the Philippines, and Marianna Biro, independent journalist from Hungary. Through this interview, we hear the stories of three countries which seem to share…
French study shows children don’t spread the coronavirus
In a study of 1,340 people in Crepy-en-Valois, a French town northeast of Paris, researchers from the Institut Pasteur confirmed that children experience fewer symptoms of the coronavirus and they appear to be less contagious than adults. The researchers also found that 61% of parents of infected kids had the coronavirus while 7% of parents…