UK figures show: Lockdowns killed two for every three COVID deaths

UK figures show: Lockdowns killed two for every three COVID deaths

16,000 people died between March 23 and May 1 because they didn’t get the medical care they needed, reveals this August 8, 2020 report by Dannial Hussain for Daily Mail Online

Of the 16,000, estimates say that 6,000 deaths were those who did not go to hospitals for fear of catching the virus. Meanwhile, another 26,000 could die by next month due to restrictions and 1,400 are at risk due to delayed cancer diagnosis. 

Another study by the University of Oxford showed that at least 5,000 heart attack patients did not seek medical care between March and May. 

In reaction to these figures, Professor Neil Mortensen, president of the Royal College of Surgeons of England said, “the health service must never again be a coronavirus-only service”. 

Editor’s Note: 16,000 non-COVID deaths may be lower than the 25,000 COVID deaths in the UK, but it is a figure that cannot be easily disregarded. It is a consequence of the coronavirus panic, and like the contracting economy, a casualty of the government’s unscientific decision-making. And while the Daily Mail article pertains to the UK, this same story may be found in other countries. 

We know that in the Philippines, many patients are avoiding hospitals for fear of contracting the virus. Several hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases (many of which are mild or are asymptomatic), and non-COVID wards are understaffed. Both the patients and our health care providers are suffering because our own government refuses to acknowledge that the coronavirus panic is baseless. 

When we proposed the natural immunity approach early in this pandemic, a friend of ours commented, “Are you willing to experiment on the lives of 100 million Filipinos? Isn’t life too precious to be experimented on?” To them we say now: wasn’t the lockdown an experiment too? Aren’t the mounting evidence showing lockdowns did not work not enough for you? Is Sweden’s success still worth ignoring? Are the results of the past five months convincing you that our government made the right choice?

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