500 German doctors and scientists form organization to investigate global coronavirus response

A group of 500 German doctors and scientists have finally created an official organization to examine whether the measures implemented as a response to the pandemic is proportionate to the risks. The organization, the “Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee”, or Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss (ACU), says that the preliminary evidences they are getting points to the overestimate of the threat of COVID-19. ACU says that it will invite experts from various fields such as medicine, law, economics, and social affairs to understand why the coronavirus measures were imposed, and why people are suffering as a result of these interventions.
Editor’s Note: Science is showing us the truth about the coronavirus, and more experts are beginning to listen. In various social media platforms, lockdown skepticism is also gaining ground.
In the Philippines, we know that regular citizens are voicing out against the oppressive coronavirus rules. Many are also awakening to the lack of logic and science behind some of the policies to control the virus’ spread. People in the streets no longer believe the mainstream narrative, but are merely complying to the “health protocols” because they do not want to be inconvenienced.
We have already lost months of our lives due to the coronavirus hysteria. As the lockdowns continue, it will be harder for those in power to let go of their control over us. We must escalate our call for the lifting of all coronavirus restrictions for the general public and a more focused strategy to protect the most vulnerable. Staying silent is no longer an option, not when the science is clear.
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