Restrict travel, wear masks, until every person gets full COVID-19 vaccine

In a December 16, 2020 article for The Daily Wire, Hank Berrien reports on a recent interview of Dr. Vin Gupta with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd. In the interview, Dr. Gupta says that people must restrict travel and continue to wear masks until every person in America gets the full vaccine.

In response to Dr. Gupta’s pronouncement, Senator Ted Cruz posted the following in Twitter: “This is bizarre, lunatic, totalitarian cult. It’s not about vaccines or protecting people’s lives – it is instead profoundly anti-science, and is only focused on absolute govt control of every aspect of our lives”.

Editor’s Note: The only way that ALL Americans will receive their COVID-19 vaccine is if the American government makes it mandatory and extreme measures are imposed to penalize those who will refuse to follow the regulation.

In the face of reports about alternative treatment protocols for COVID-19, it is amazing how governments have managed to focus their attention on one, expensive, and dangerous product with no safety and efficacy data [see Briefing document on Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine shows evidence of pathogenic priming among older adults and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines can make you sick, volunteers in human trials uninformed of risks]. Truly, if this isn’t about control, then it is all about profit. And if that is the case, then why are we accepting this? Will we allow such corruption and utter disregard for our freedom to become the norm?

NBC Doctor: Masks Necessary, Travel Restricted Even After Vaccine. Cruz: ‘This Is A Bizarre, Lunatic, Totalitarian Cult’

NBC Doctor: Masks Necessary, Travel Restricted Even After Vaccine. Cruz: ‘This Is A Bizarre, Lunatic, Totalitarian Cult’

Speaking this week with MSNBC host Chuck Todd, Dr. Vin Gupta, a health policy analyst for NBC News, posited that even after people get the second and final dose of the coronavirus vaccine, they should restrict travel and continue to wear masks until every person in America gets the full vaccine.

Bypass the Censorship!


3 responses to “Restrict travel, wear masks, until every person gets full COVID-19 vaccine”

  1. If the government makes this mandatory then we will know for sure they are corrupt. People keep your eyes open.

  2. Deborah Eckardt Avatar
    Deborah Eckardt

    There are many people like me, who have autoimmune diseases. If forced to take this mRNA vaccine, it will kill me! I will not succumb to this evil. Nobody should be forced to put this poison into their bodies. Is nothing sacred these days?

    1. We think that the press is not putting out the right information. According to the EUA, no one is required to take the vaccines. If we allow airlines and companies to prevent access to their services by virtue of our vaccination status, then this is basically corporations superceding the directives from the government. Should they be allowed to do that?

      Nicanor has created an article about this just yesterday, kindly visit:

      Though this article mentions the CBCP, the facts that Nicanor has put out is valid for all countries.

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