Category: Truth To Action
Covid Call to Humanity new video goes viral, partly banned by YouTube
Just yesterday, we published the four videos on our YouTube channel. Overnight, the channel received 300 new subscriptions and over 10,000 views. As expected, we have experienced a number of problems in the publication of these videos. First, one of the videos was muted, with YouTube saying that it used a “copyrighted” soundtrack. We know…
STAND 3 | FROM FEAR TO HOPE: A Workshop On Flourishing In The Age Of Pandemics, July 30-August 1, 2021
WHY THIS WORKSHOP: Most Filipinos live in fear. We continue learning scary stories from the government and media about COVID-19. We became so full of fear that we became fear itself. Life has lost its excitement and luster. Millions are depressed and thousands have committed suicide. But inside us, there is a united force…
Delta and Other Variants: Fear Appeal for Permanent Lockdowns, Killer Vaccines. Strengthening Natural Immunity the Way Out.
For weeks now, there is a new scare. The world is on edge again with reports that a “variant of concern” (VOC) has emerged. It is now time to use fear to impose draconian measures.[efn_note];[/efn_note] It is now time to drumbeat for more and more vaccines that have killed over a million people and…
Attention Lawyers! Take Action! We are in the Midst of Medical Martial Law. Our Human Rights Are Being Trampled Upon and Millions Harmed by Illegal lockdowns. Plus Hundreds of Thousands are Killed/Harmed by Illegal Vaccines. Disaster Amidst a Fake Health Emergency in the Philippines.
Overview Statement The world has had many real health emergencies but governments never locked down their societies in order to address these health challenges. In contrast, the government has imposed one of the world’s longest-running lockdowns, if not the longest, when there is no real health emergency, as we shall see below. In the process,…
Breaking News! Duque Allows Use of Ivermectin by Doctors
Doctors can now prescribe Ivermectin. Secretary of Health, Dr. Francisco Duque III, said he had “no problem with doctors who want to use Ivermectin”.[efn_note]I was invited as a resource person for said hearing. My notes are the basis for the quotes from Sec. Duque. The quotes may not be exact. But the substance of the…
Late this afternoon, 14 June 2021, the President of the Philippines demanded “Cebu must follow IATF protocols on arriving passengers”.[efn_note][/efn_note] In the past weeks, as detailed by this article, there has been tension between the IATF and the Province of Cebu regarding what safety procedures to follow in the case of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) arriving…
Scientists Sound Alarm: Vaccines Will Kill Millions
Normally quiet, prestigious scientists are going out of their comfort zone. These mainstream, pro-vaccine scientists are sounding the alarm. While they normally defend and use vaccines, they are concerned about Covid vaccines. They fear that these vaccines may kill millions in the near term and even more in the not-so-distant future. Generations still unborn will…
No Health Emergency: Coercive Mass Vaccinations Illegal. New Political Leaders Needed. Acts of Courage Necessary.
Coercive mass vaccination violates the Nuremberg Code that punishes by death those who perform medical experiments on humans.[efn_note][/efn_note] These Covid vaccines are experimental. They have never been proven to be scientifically safe.[efn_note]ttps:// See also Reference #3 below.[/efn_note] That is why they are already killing and severely harming millions of human beings who have naively become…
BATCH 2 | FROM FEAR TO HOPE: A Workshop On Flourishing In The Age Of Pandemics
Why this Workshop Most Filipinos live in fear. We continue learning scary stories from the government and media about COVID-19. We became so full of fear that we became fear itself. Life has lost its excitement and luster. But inside us, there is a force that yearns for truth and freedom. Our extremely intelligent immune…
Episode 2: DOH denies vaccine link to death of three frontliners. Basically a lie.
“Episode 2 of Totoo Ba? Is this the truth? looks at the science showing the overwhelming evidence that vaccines cause deaths. 57% of those who died received the COVID vaccine 48 hours earlier. Reports about India’s COVID nightmare not accurate, basically fear-mongering. Old 2020 pictures recycled as if they happened in 2021. India’s government appeals…