Category: Media (Censoring resistance to reset, mainstreaming control via reset)
Silencing Dissent: How Censorship Undermine Scientific Progress
The article describes how scientists who questioned mainstream COVID-19 policies suffered censorship, slander, and career implications and how they were frequently silenced by social media sites such as Facebook due to government pressure. It demonstrates how genuine information regarding COVID-19 was repressed, and scientists who spoke out were accused of spreading “misinformation.” The Great Barrington…
Europe Targets Telegram
The European Union claims that Telegram is now a “very large online platform” (VLOP) and must be regulated by the Digital Services Act (DSA). According to the article, regulating Telegram is central to controlling the narrative around the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and blocking the information being published by Russian channels. Editor’s Note: Why does…
Mainstream Media’s Tools To Shape Narrative Surrounding Gaza’s Realities
In this November 3, 2023 article for Anadolu Ajansi, Edibe Beyza Caglar discusses the four key stages used by mainstream media to shape the narrative surrounding the Gaza concern. Caglar says that these four stages include: (1) disinformation and misleading content, (2) creating pre-attack legitimacy, (3) dehumanization of one side’s victims, and (4) shadowing the…
French Senators Introduce Bill To Make Anti-Zionism A Criminal Offense
The French Republicans are sponsoring a bill that will make anti-Zionism a criminal offense. In a tweet, Senator Stéphane Le Rudulier revealed that 16 French senators are supporting the bill punishing those who deny the existence of the State of Israel. According to the proposed law, anyone who insults the State of Israel would face…
The al-Ahli Hospital Bombing, Genocide and Nuclear Apocalypse
The world was shockedu by the brutal October 7, 2023 attack of Hamas on Israelis just outside Gaza and the swift counter-slaughter of Hamas terrorists and Palestinian citizens. Since then, non-stop claims and counterclaims have been hurled from both the Hamas side and the Israeli side. Shortly thereafter, truth also became a casualty of the…
Report shows UK government tracks journalists who make freedom of information requests
In an investigation published by The Times last August 26, 2023, it revealed that the UK’s Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has been compiling the profiles of journalists who make Freedom of Information requests. Moreover, the MoJ was found to have given press officers and Conservative political appointees the capacity to input whether disclosures can be…
YouTube and WHO to Censor Truthful Medical Information
YouTube recently announced that it will update its “misinformation” policies to align it with the imperatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) and other regulatory agencies. YouTube said it learned from its past experiences dealing with misinformation, especially during the time of the first Covid lockdowns. YouTube said its policies will now focus on three…
EU’s Censorship Regime is About to Go Global
In this March 23, 2023 article for Spiked, Norman Lewis says that freedom of speech on the internet has died with the European Union signing the Digital Services Act (DSA). Under the DSA, very large online platforms (VLOPs) such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram will be required to remove illegal content determined by governments. VLOPs…
Yesterday, CCH announced that Freedom Fighters won a major Round One victory over SB 1869. See here. The vast majority of you celebrated with us. Thank you so much for doing so. You are careful observers of the details of the struggle on SB 1869 that CCH has been reporting. However there are a few who…
Bill Gates Fear Mongers Again, Predicts Dour Outlook for Humanity In Light of Climate Change, Sells High-Tech Solutions Made By His Companies
In this interview with CNBC’s Catherine Clifford, Bill Gates says that the world will not be able to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celcius and that efforts to mitigate climate change would “slow down the progress we make on improving the human condition”. Despite these dire outlooks, Gates thinks that there is a way…