September 27, 2024

Study Confirms Natural Immunity Offers Superior Protection Against Reinfection, Severe Disease Compared To COVID Vaccines

Study Confirms Natural Immunity Offers Superior Protection Against Reinfection, Severe Disease Compared To COVID Vaccines

Another study from Qatar has confirmed that natural immunity offers superior protection against reinfection and severe disease compared to vaccine-induced immunity. The study was published last July 7, 2022, in medRxiv as a pre-print [This is a different from Qatar Study Shows Naturally Immune People at Little Risk of Reinfection].

According to the report, the “effectiveness of primary infection against severe, critical, or fatal COVID-19 reinfections was 97.3%…irrespective of the variant of primary infection or reinfection, and with no evidence for waning.

The study notes that protection against reinfection wanes and diminishes within a few years which could be accelerated by viral immune evasion.

Editor’s Note: Compared to the durability of natural immunity, vaccine-induced immunity is nothing. [That vaccine-induced immunity is waning is now a scientific consensus, read New CDC Study Shows mRNA Vaccine Protection Against COVID-19 Is Waning, Singapore Overtakes 2020 Record Despite High Vaccination Rate, Experts Admit Surge due to Waning Protection from Vaccine, COVID Vaccines Efficacy Wanes Thus Public is Encouraged to Get Booster Shots].

We also know that vaccine efficacy against severe disease is now very low [see NEJM Study Shows Vaccines Offers No Significant Advantage Compared To Natural Immunity].

So, why take the boosters?

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