This article is part of the series entitled Materialism: The God of the Great Reset. This is Part 1. Read the other articles by clicking the following links: [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
In previous articles,1 I detailed the different plagues on humanity that the Great Reset of the New World Order has unleashed on humanity. There is a diverse range of worldviews and values animating the different aspects of NWO’s Great Reset Agenda. But there is only one central organizing framework that binds them all together: materialism.
In my writings and video transmissions,2 I have shown concretely that the most powerful way to transform a system with minimal effort is to examine the worldview, the beliefs and the values of the system. The video I made on Transhumanism (Ep. 31 cited in reference #2) is especially unique and extraordinary. It was made almost two years ago and, until today, I have not seen anyone in global independent media articulating the New World Order and its Great Reset Agenda in a systemic way that I explained in Episode 31 of CCH videos.
When we know the animating worldview, we will know what our next steps will be in resisting the NWO take-over of the world. We can transform the NWO’s energy into something that would be beneficial for humanity.3
Let us revisit the phenomena of the Great Reset Agenda, this time from the perspective of the tacit worldviews and values embedded in the NWO plagues that harass humanity. Table 1 below systematically summarizes these worldviews and values that are found in the Great Reset Agenda and the various global manifestations emanating from this agenda.
Table 1. The Worldview and Values of the Great Reset Agenda
Great Reset Agenda | Worldview and Values |
Depopulation and Genocide | Survival of the Fittest, Superior Race, Eugenics, |
Digital IDs, Surveillance and Control | Eugenics, Humans not Divine, No Human Rights, No Ethical Constraints, Pure Power Calculus |
Transhumanism | Humans Mere “Hackable” Animals; Humans As Complex Biological Machines |
Human Extinction | Humans will be Silicon-Based and Immortal; Biological humans Perish; Morality irrelevant; Eugenics; Psychopathic Egotism; Nihilism |
Totalitarian Governance | Machiavellian; End Justifies the Means; Power Justifies Deceit; Irrationality a Virtue; Identity Fetish |
Censorship and Disinformation | Lying is a Virtue; Egotism not Truth; Total Control Agenda; No human Rights; Conscience an Illusion; Morality not Important |
Control of Societal Institutions | Survival of the Fittest; He Who Owns the Gold, Rules; Power and Control as Ultimate Values |
Use of AI as Means to Achieve Agenda | Social Engineering; Atheism; Algorithms are King; Instrumentalization of Society; Power; Control; Quantities More Important Than Qualities; Amoral; Anti-Human |
In the end, the dozens of characteristic belief systems and values of the NWO order agenda belong to just three larger categories. These are their image of the human being, their theory of reality, and the behavioral consequences of these theories about humans and nature.
We can now transform Table 1 into this linear tabulation to demonstrate the conclusion above.
Image of Human Being
- No spiritual essence
- No moral anchor
- Humans are purely physical
- Humans are mortal. They die.
- Atheistic
- Egotistic
- Psychopathic egotism
- Egotism not Truth
- Hackable animals
- Complex biological Machines
- Consciousness is material.
- Consciousness can be downloaded
Theory of Reality
- Survival of the Fittest
- Superior Race dominates the masses
- Reality is only what can be seen with the senses, measured and quantified
- Objective Reality = what can be quantified
- Interiority and Subjectivity is an illusion
Behavioral Expression Theories of Humans and Reality (Impacts on Humans, Society and Nature)
- No human rights
- Humans not important
- Conscience an Illusion
- No ethical constraints
- Ethical considerations irrelevant
- Irrationality a Virtue
- Lying a Virtue
- Identity fetish
- Perverted Golden Rule
- Pursuit of Power
- Total Control Agenda
- Machiavellian; End Justifies the Means
- Algorithms for control
- Eugenics
- Nihilistic
- Humans will be silicon-based beings
- Consciousness can be downloaded. Humans will be physically immortal
- Societal engineering
- Instrumentalization of society
We can also understand the relationships and dynamics of the three key pillars of the NWO agenda in Figure 1. This figure also illustrates the conceptual relationships between the various worldviews and values inherent in the agenda of the Great Reset of the New World Order.
Figure 1. NWO Theories About Humans, Reality and Their Behavioral Impacts on Humans, Society and Nature

Clearly, one begins to see that many of the beliefs and values embedded in the NWO Great Reset Agenda derive from a deeper belief system regarding the essence of nature and human beings. And these have tremendous impacts on society, impacts that have been characterized as the Great Reset. It turns out that the belief systems and values enumerated under their impacts on humans, society and nature are subsumed under a higher set of belief systems and values and are the consequences of these higher order categories of beliefs and values.
Ultimately, even these higher order categories can be subsumed under the overarching framework of materialism. We will see this clearly in Part 2 of this article.
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- NWO’s addiction to destructive transhumanism can inspire all those who are awake to dig deeper into the depths of human nature. In this way, we will have a choice either to be become silicon-based humans or develop the incredible potentials we have within ourselves when we are manifest our highest humanity. ↩︎
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