July 27, 2024

Senator Rand Paul Exposes COVID Cover-Up Through a Brave Whistleblower

Senator Rand Paul Exposes COVID Cover-Up Through a Brave Whistleblower

Senator Rand Paul released a report revealing that 15 federal agencies were aware of China’s experiments on a virus resembling COVID-19 in 2018. Despite this knowledge, no one from these agencies raised concerns when COVID-19 emerged. It wasn’t until a brave Marine lieutenant colonel came forward with this information that the public became aware of it.

Editor’s Note: It seems ominous, but this is good news. In today’s world, whistleblowers emerge as unsung heroes, shedding light on the truth amidst misinformation, suppression, and deceit. They play a vital role in disclosing the hidden agendas of this “pandemic” that affected our lives, and their courage in coming forward deserves our utmost appreciation. [See: ICYMI DR. PAUL PENS OP-ED FOR FOX NEWS – “THE GREAT COVID COVER-UP: SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT WUHAN AND 15 FEDERAL AGENCIES”]

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