Newly-Elected Slovakian Prime Minister Rejects WHO Pandemic Treaty

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 2.37.50 PM

In a speech given by newly elected Prime Minister Robert Fico, he declared, “SMER Slovakian Social Democracy will NOT support the strengthening of World Health Organization’s powers at the expense of sovereign states in managing the fight against pandemics”.

He adds, “I will say that such nonsense could only have been invented by greedy pharmaceutical companies which began to perceive the resistance of certain governments against mandatory vaccination”.

The video was published on Fico’s Facebook account and was translated into English by Dr. William Makis.

Editor’s Note: If the Philippines’ House of Representatives chooses to adopt Congressman Dan Fernandez’s resolution urging the government to reject the amendments to the International Health Regulations, it will not be alone in doing so. [Cong. Fernandez has also filed a House Bill requiring the Pandemic Treaty to be subjected to ratification in the Philippine Senate, read here].

We hope that this news from Slovakia will help our leaders determine how to approach the Pandemic Treaty so that they can carefully examine its implications for our sovereignty. [Read World Council for Health Sounds Alarms on WHO’s pandemic treaty initiative, Stop the WHO Global Pandemic Treaty, Pandemics As a Catalyst For a New World Order].

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