July 27, 2024

Snowden’s Worst Fears Have Come True

Snowden’s Worst Fears Have Come True

In this article republished by The Defender, Dr. Joseph Mercola reminds us of the revelations made by whistleblower Edward Snowden ten years ago about the state of surveillance in the United States.

Snowden, then an employee of the US National Security Agency (NSA), told writer/producer of the film My Country, My Country, Laura Poitras, “For now, know that every border you cross, every purchase you make, every call you dial, every cell phone tower you pass, friend you keep, article you write, site you visit, subject line you type, and packet you route, is in the hands of a system whose reach is unlimited, but whose safeguards are not”.

Mercola says that Snowden’s predictions from a decade ago have now come true, and surveillance in the US, as in all other countries in the world, is now coming to a head. A global infrastructure for surveillance has now been built, thanks to the COVID scamdemic. Mercola says, “Everyone must now choose between freedom and enslavement, and the option to choose freedom is rapidly closing”.

Editor’s Note: If you have not yet taken steps to protect your data, then we hope that this article will prompt you to do so.

We want to repeat what investigative journalist Whitney Webb said about why we should start utilizing Big Tech alternatives that truly uphold privacy: “The easiest route is to go the slavery route, and that’s how they’ve designed it on purpose. The whole selling point of that system is that it’s convenient and easy. So, obviously, it’s going to take some work to go the other route, but the future of human freedom depends on it so I think it’s a pretty easy choice”.

We sincerely hope that it will be an easy choice for you.

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