February 16, 2025

Quest for Universal Flu Vaccine Begins

Quest for Universal Flu Vaccine Begins

In this November 10, 2023 article for Wired, Maryn McKenna reports that tests for a universal flu vaccine are already underway. One vaccine candidate was made by Moderna using the mRNA technology and is already in its Phase 1/2 and Phase 3 trials. According to McKenna, improving the flu vaccine is crucial because “it sickens up to 41 million people each year and kills anywhere from 12,000 to 52,000 depending on the severity of the season. Globally, there are up to 1 billion cases and 650,000 deaths a year”.

McKenna adds, “Flu wreaks havoc because it is such a unique virus. First, in a quirk that it shares with SARS-CoV-2, RSV, and common cold viruses, it doesn’t create perfect immunity; we retain immunological memories of it but not enough to prevent reinfection. Second, it’s a relentlessly mutating organism, making slight changes all the time. Even if we gained durable immunity to one strain, that might not protect us against a successor that arrives the next year. And since durable and broad immunity doesn’t occur in natural infection, it’s a big ask to try to create those with a vaccine.”

Editor’s Note: Remember this 2019 video where health experts were saying that they should just go ahead and make the universal flu vaccine, just “blow the system up”, and force everyone to take the new vaccine? Well, they’ve already done that, so now they’re going to try to do the impossible: create a vaccine that can mutate as fast as the coronavirus mutates. Can you imagine what kind of vaccine would have the capacity to do that?

Already, we are confirming the dangers of the SARS-CoV-2 shots, which use a technology that has NEVER been proven to be safe [see BOMBSHELL: LATEST STUDIES REVEAL THAT COVID VACCINES KILLED 13 MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, Japanese Study: COVID Vaccine May Cause Long-Term Heart Damage, Even in People With No Symptoms, Systematic Review Confirms mRNA Shots Causes Cardiovascular Complications, Death, Study: Nearly 1 in 3 COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients Suffered Neurological Side Effects]. One can expect that they will replicate the same methodology in the hopes of finally stopping the “dreaded” flu disease.

To be honest, it is hard to understand the fascination with a universal flu vaccine when billions of people around the world are hungry and suffering. For us here in the Philippines, before COVID, flu has never been a problem because we had local herbs we could use to deal with it. Why will we need a flu vaccine when millions are unable to eat, send their children to school, or access necessities for their families? Perhaps the wealth and power concentrated in the West have blinded and deafened them from what is important and what is not. If the West truly wanted to make this world a better place, then they should start by funding peace, prioritizing wellbeing, and true education.

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