14 February 2023
Dear Friends,
Based on your Petitions and on your behalf, Covid Call to Humanity (CCH) sent a total of three letters to all members of the Philippine Senate detailing why SB1869 would be a disaster to the Filipino people.[efn_note]The letters were initially on HB6522. The Senate had not yet formally released its own version, which is now called SB1869 as of yesterday. Both, however, are very similar in content and substance.[/efn_note] For details, see these letters dated 14 December 2022, 02 February 2023, and 07 February 2023. You can access the letters on the CCH website. Click here, here and here. So as not to burden you with documents, we are providing only a copy of said letters to Senate President Miguel Zubiri. But all Senators had the exact same copy.
Basically, all Senators ignored these letters of concern and requests for an appointment to have a conversation on SB1869. The staff of two Senators replied and said there was no need for an appointment. The letters said enough. Instead of a conversation, the Senate suddenly held a plenary First Reading yesterday on SB1869. In that session, most of the co-sponsors of SB1869 said they wanted to have the Bill approved as soon as possible.
It is clear that the Senate is not interested in a dialogue with concerned Filipinos. They are not serious about their sworn duty to listen and serve Filipinos. It is clear that the Senators are going to rush this Bill to approval.
We have to resist this betrayal of Philippine sovereignty to the WHO. SB1869 has a total of 6 references to International Health Regulations which places the WHO in control of our country thru their control of our health policies. SB1869 also has 42 references to surveillance which our own treacherous government will be empowered to implement.
Let us not forget what the lockdowns, masks, vaccinations, and other forced measures did to all of us. These measures destroyed millions of Filipino jobs and livelihoods; killed thousands; and harmed tens of thousands of Filipinos. The latter are low estimates as our country suffered over 290,000 excess deaths[efn_note]https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2022/04/30/2021-records-290125-excess-deaths[/efn_note] in 2021 primarily likely due to forced vaccinations as other analysts and scientists are starting to point out
We need to protect our rights, our freedoms, our democracy, and our future. Here is what you can do.
For immediate action, kindly send all Senators messages on their emails and social media that they need to stop rushing the approval of SB1869, study the matter more carefully, and remove onerous provisions of the Bill that would give, among others, the WHO and the Philippine government overwhelming powers on the lives of Filipinos using a so-called health emergency as an excuse. Visit the link below to obtain the contact information of all Senators.[efn_note]https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/senators/sen19th.asp[/efn_note]
This is just a beginning immediate action. The Senators need to know that thousands of Filipinos are watching closely and resisting this Bill. The Senators should know that we know this Bill could mean the destruction of the life, health, and freedoms of Filipinos as well as the surrender of Philippine sovereignty and democracy to an alien, foreign power that has very little genuine concern for our health and safety.
CCH is preparing a Briefing Paper that will analyze in detail all the dangerous defects of SB1869. When this is finished, soonest, it will provide the substance for a second round of messages that all concerned will send to the Senate. The Briefing Paper provides scientific and factual evidence as to why SB1869 will be perilous and a disaster to the future of our country.
Of course, others are more than welcome to send their own detailed analyses and messages. That would even be better as this would demonstrate that many are now doing their own research and coming to the same conclusion.
We also envision a third course of action after the first two responses are done. We will organize a protest in front of the Senate. Hopefully, thousands will join us in this rally.
This is the moment of decision. The government needs to feel our resistance. Otherwise, they will continue business as usual and abuse us as they are often doing. They will not fear us because, if there is no real large-scale outrage, they will have judged correctly that most Filipinos do not really care about their freedoms and rights. The power structure will have calculated correctly that most Filipinos have become docile slaves willing to just follow whatever ridiculous policies the government will impose on them.
This is the point of no return. Either we stop the madness in this Bill together. Or we will face a future of tremendous repression and misery, the likes of which we cannot even fully imagine at this point. However, if you take a look at what is going on in the US, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, and other democracies that have become fascist totalitarian states, then we will know what awaits us. It will be a fate as repressive and brutal as the current Chinese government where people are routinely tracked and subjected to outrageous abuse.
Your choice. Act now. Speak out and send your messages. Or forever hold your piece. This is the great divide of humanity that we are facing and the Philippines is not going to be spared from this. We either doom ourselves or we arise to our greatness as Filipinos, willing to sacrifice to create a better country.
In solidarity,
Nicanor Perlas
Covid Call to Humanity
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