Open Letter To Our Senators: You Must Exercise Due Diligence on the Bill Creating the Philippine CDC

02 February 2023

Hon. Juan Miguel F. Zubiri

Senate President, Philippine Senate,

Republic of the Philippines


Dear Senator Zubiri,

On 14 December 2022, we at CCH sent you a letter regarding the proposed law on the creation of the Philippine Center for Disease Control (Phil-CDC).  On behalf of more than three thousand Filipinos, Covid Call to Humanity (CCH) once more requests you all, members of the Philippine Senate, not to rush the approval of your version of HB6522.[efn_note]Sign the Petition: Stop The DOH’s Plan To Institutionalize Pandemic Tyranny, STOP HOUSE BILL 6522: IT VIOLATES HUMAN RIGHTS!!![/efn_note]

We now have more disturbing information that warns us that rushing the approval of the Senate version of HB6522 would lead to the disaster of our nation and place us and our health under the foreign control of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the power structure that drives WHO policies.  (See below for specifics.)

CCH is an informal national network of citizens concerned with the manner the DOH and other government agencies have mismanaged the Covid crisis, gravely harming the lives of millions of Filipinos. 


To appreciate the urgency of these claims, let me cite just a few of the dozens of shocking developments that point to either gross incompetence or conscious mismanagement of the Covid crisis by government authorities and pharmaceutical companies around the world including the Philippines. 

Pfizer’s “Cash Cow”: Lab-Manufactured Covid Variants

Recently Project Veritas, one of the most respected and cited institutions of investigative journalists in the world, just released a video report. As of January 31, 2023, around 27.3 million people viewed this video.[efn_note] As of January 31, 2023, this January 26, 2023 story is the headline of its Twitter page. [/efn_note]  In that video, Project Veritas featured Jordan Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development – Strategic Operations and mRNA Strategic Planning. This Pfizer executive bragged that Pfizer, in their labs, was creating Covid variants through “directed evolution”. This is another phrase for the heavily criticized gain-of-function research. After releasing their lab-made variants, Pfizer then makes vaccines to supposedly cure those infected with Pfizer-created Covid variants. 

Walker boasts that this approach is the “cash cow” of Pfizer. In short, Pfizer creates the problem and offers a solution to the problem and thus makes a lot of money from this fraudulent practice.  

Pfizer is not a stranger to fraud. In 2009, the US Department of Justice slapped Pfizer with a $2.3 billion settlement agreement for fraudulent marketing practices.[efn_note][/efn_note] Furthermore, toward the end of 2021, a US Court ordered Pfizer to release a confidential report it gave to the US FDA. Pfizer had wanted this report to be sealed for 75 years.[efn_note]5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021; [/efn_note] Obviously, Pfizer did not want the public to learn that its Covid vaccines caused more than 1,000 different kinds of disastrous side effects and, at least, 1,223 deaths during a brief reporting period from December 2020 to the end of February 2021. In this short time span, the Report also revealed 158,893 side effects.[efn_note]Ibid.[/efn_note] 

Even before this was released to the public, we already uncovered much solid scientific evidence regarding the disturbing side effects of the Covid vaccines. Out of deep concern for the health and safety of Filipinos, we personally handed then President Rodrigo Duterte and all his Cabinet members including Secretary Duque of the DOH a Cease-and-Desist document, dated October 17, 2021, demanding that they immediately stop the mass rollout of the Covid vaccines.[efn_note][/efn_note] We also sent copies of this document to all members then of the Senate and House of Representatives. DOH did not cease and desist. Instead, they intensified their drive for mandatory vaccinations. 

Pfizer, in its submission to DOH, already revealed that their vaccines can cause serious side effects including “an increased risk of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis(Inflammation of the lining outside the heart) after vaccination with Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine”.[efn_note][/efn_note] Yet, DOH continued to claim that the Covid vaccines are safe and effective. They said this despite their own 31 December 2022 report showing that 2,786 Filipinos were reported to have died from the vaccines and another 10,482 were seriously injured from the vaccines.[efn_note] DOH continues to deny that the Covid vaccines can cause death and serious side effects despite overwhelming global evidence the vaccines can kill and harm people. (See below for evidence of how deadly these vaccines can be.)  In fact, in some portions of the cited report above, DOH admits that the reported serious injuries were “product-related”, that is, caused by the vaccines. [/efn_note]

Is this the kind of regulatory behavior we want to reward with stronger and practically draconian power over the lives of Filipinos? DOH has had reports of deaths from the Covid vaccines since its rollout almost two years ago.[efn_note] They were given the Cease-and-Desist document. See Reference 5 above.[/efn_note] Yet, it has not admitted a single death due to the vaccines during this time. Contrast this with other countries that have either banned the use of vaccines[efn_note]Denmark halts COVID-19 vaccine program l ABC News.[/efn_note] or are conducting investigations on the massive deaths due to Covid vaccines in their country.[efn_note]; [/efn_note] 

Covid Vaccine Almost Killed Elon Musk 

Symptom of this collapse of the mainstream narrative is the recent tweet by dollar trillionaire Elon Musk regarding the Covid vaccines. Musk twitted that he felt like dying when he took a second booster shot. His cousin was also severely harmed. The latter had myocarditis.[efn_note][/efn_note]

The tweet of Elon Musk is important because it is not an ordinary tweet. Musk has over 127.7 million followers[efn_note][/efn_note]in his Twitter account, which is greater than the population of the Philippines.  His tweet about his Covid vaccine injury was viewed by over 16.7 million people and had 24,500 retweets.[efn_note][/efn_note]

The overwhelming majority of the tweets, based on random sampling, agreed with Musk that the vaccines are dangerous and deadly. They shared that they had family members and/or friends who have either died from or were severely harmed by the vaccine. 

In short, the Musk tweet and the huge response to it, surfaced massive evidence that the vaccines were not safe and effective. On the contrary, it showed that the Covid vaccines were killing and harming millions of people. And millions around the world became mutually aware, through each other’s tweets, of the dangers of the Covid vaccine. 

Rasmussen Survey: 25 Million Americans Affirm Family/Friends Died From the Vaccines

One finds further reinforcement of the reality behind these tweets in the recent report of Rasmussen, a prestigious polling body, on Covid vaccines.  Here is a succinct quote from their article. “

“Nearly half of Americans think COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame for many unexplained deaths, and more than a quarter say someone they know could be among the victims.”[efn_note][/efn_note] Translated into numbers, this means that 25 million Americans knew someone (relative or friend) who died from the Covid vaccines. This implies that millions of Americans have died from the Covid vaccines.[efn_note]This is a conservative estimate. The population of the US is more 200 million. The 25 million figure is based on a population estimate of 100 million Americans represented in the survey. [/efn_note] 

Excess Deaths

The experiences of these people are not unique. The reality is reflected in the excess deaths that government statistical bodies and insurance companies are reporting around the world. Excess deaths are those deaths that are higher than the national average of the past five or more years. These excess deaths appeared at a time shortly after the rollout of mass vaccination. The Economist has estimated the global excess deaths to be around 20 million deaths.[efn_note][/efn_note] According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, the Philippines alone had over 290,000 deaths in 2021.[efn_note] For a CCH analysis of the PSA data, see[/efn_note] Top scientists and analysts are pointing to the Covid vaccines as the culprit.[efn_note][/efn_note]


HB6522 is being proposed at a time when massive evidence of rampant mismanagement of the Covid crisis has emerged all over the world, including the Philippines. It was mismanaged by the WHO, the CDC, the FDA, the DOH, and other regulatory agencies. The current world news in the past weeks is filled with admission from mainstream sources regarding the failure and dangers of continued mass vaccination with Covid vaccines. (See above.)

These new developments echoed, broadened, and reinforced important strategic information on the Covid issue that scientific investigators already knew for the past three years, starting in 2020. In this context, we note the thousands of reported deaths and over ten thousand serious injuries in FDA/DOH’s 31 December 2022 report cited above.  

Given these, the key question arises. Why are we giving more powers to a new body, basically a variant of an existing agency, which later did a terrible job at informing itself regarding very important global science and experience and, hence, fumbled badly at responding to the Covid crisis? 

Instead of creating a new body, both the House and the Senate should first hold joint hearings, in aid of legislation, to get to the bottom of DOH’s incompetence regarding its response to the Covid crisis.

Worst, if the existing evidence is solid and irrefutable, the question arises. Is DOH consciously or unconsciously involved in killing Filipinos? If true, both the House and Senate should conduct an investigation into crimes against humanity being perpetuated by the DOH. 

Without these in-depth legislative investigations, then it is premature to even consider the creation of a Philippine CDC. Why reward such gross incompetence, and potentially criminal behavior, by creating an even more powerful version of this institutional incompetence and alarming behavior? 

In addition, why enable, as proposed in the current bill, such a problematic institutional variant to be a trojan horse that would make the WHO the sole decision maker for the entire world on matters of health? (See Sections 4(h), 6, 7(a) and 11(e)(3) of HB6522)   

The WHO is not exactly benign. It tried to sneak in revisions to the IHR in May 2022 that would give it total control of the health policies of nations.  That effort failed, mostly because 47 African nations took the lead in opposing it.[efn_note] James Roguski was the key global organizer behind the defeat of the May 2022 attempt of the WHO to control the health policies of the world without the involvement of the executive and legislative branches of countries around the world. He mobilized millions around the world to oppose these sneak IHR revisions by WHO. Details can be found in the related substack articles of Roguski.[/efn_note] Now, the WHO Is meeting in secret to create again a new Pandemic Treaty and to revise the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) that would establish global health control, the very provisions rejected by most nations in May 2022. In such a revised treaty, it would be the WHO, not the DOH or the new Philippine CDC, that would determine the health policies of the country in the event of a pandemic. In effect, the Philippines will surrender its democracy and sovereignty to a foreign body unelected by Filipinos. 

There are many other defects in the final version of HB6522. For example, and of particular concern, is its provisions for pervasive surveillance, the kind of which other countries have grossly abused and violated the constitutionally protected privacy and rights of their citizens. See Sections 11.(e),5,6. These provisions can easily converge with the National ID system and the SIM Card Registration ID and would eventually result In the implementation of digital IDs for all Filipinos. See Sections 11(e)7 and 12(f).  As can be seen from the experience of other countries, these digital IDs are the coveted policies that would subject citizens to total control including their use in totalitarian social credit systems of the kind being used for repression in China. [efn_note][/efn_note]

HB6522 is a definite red line for many Filipinos, a red line similar to forced vaccinations that led to protests viewed by millions, which, unfortunately, the mainstream press ignored. 

We hope your hearts and minds will be touched by the grave situation that our country will face should the final version of HB6522 be endorsed by the Philippine Senate. This will only aggravate whatever social fissures have already been created by problematic Covid policies of the previous government. 

To help in averting this possibility and on behalf of CCH, I will be more than happy to provide a detailed and complete testimony, backed up by dozens of solid references, regarding the dangerous and even treacherous flaws of HB6522. 

Looking forward to your favorable response on this matter. 


Nicanor J. III P. Perlas

Chief Researcher and Lead Co-Convener

Covid Call to Humanity Network 


7 responses to “Open Letter To Our Senators: You Must Exercise Due Diligence on the Bill Creating the Philippine CDC”

  1. Hi sir nic may petition po ba tayo na pedeng isign to stop hb6522 sa senate??

  2. Rommel Fabunan Avatar
    Rommel Fabunan

    Please also mention that there cures to COVID that DOH neglected to look at such as PRODEX B, FAI, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin etc.

    1. Hello Rommel,

      Thanks for your insight. We will probably discuss this once we have a face-to-face meeting with our senators.


    1. Yes to freedom!

    2. Hi MJ, you can also email the Senate directly, You can send you email here:

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