January 25, 2025



The Hon. Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.
President, Republic of the Philippines
Malacañang, National Capital Region

Dear Mr. President,

Greetings of Peace!

For more than two years, Filipinos have suffered under the various restrictions imposed by the government’s COVID-19 policies. But, in three months, you removed most of them. Filipinos want to thank you for these acts of scientific integrity, strategic foresight, empathy, and courage that can now increase the public health and welfare of Filipinos. Please allow us to elaborate.

First, you removed mandatory vaccinations. The nation breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Many Filipinos were hesitant to take the vaccines but the previous government forced them to do so with tragic consequences. We know this from the thousands who told us. The Covid vaccines are experimental and thus cannot be mandated (R.A. 11525).

Worst, the vaccines were rushed to market. The usual safety trials were too short and involved shortcuts. These procedures compromised the quality of the Covid vaccines. They are not safe and effective. R.A 11525 acknowledged this by providing a fund to indemnify those who may be injured by the vaccines. Sure enough, this has come to pass. Kindly take a look at the latest data from DOH’s FDA on the government’s mass vaccination program.

Total Number of Reports of Adverse Reactions from
Total Number of Reports of Serious Adverse Reactions9,426
Number of Reports on Vaccine Deaths 2,620
Data from: https://www.fda.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Reports-of-suspectedadverse-reaction-to-COVID-19-vaccines-as-of-06-August-2022.pdf

In addition, the Philippine Statistics Authority has reported over 290,000 excess deaths in 2021, as compared with the past five years, just when mass vaccinations took place. This timing is concerning. Many countries are also reporting high vaccine deaths, serious injuries, and excess deaths in 2021.

Second, in your SONA address last July 2022, you said no more lockdowns. Both Houses of Congress responded enthusiastically. You won’t believe the incredible joy that Filipinos felt with your promise. We have all been locked down for months on end. Be assured your decision is backed by dozens of scientific studies that demonstrate that lockdowns do not work. Instead, they cause massive physical, psychological (depression and suicide) and societal
damage, including to our economy.

And now, Mr. President, you issued Executive Order 3 removing mandatory facemasks in key areas. This EO energized the country. Once more the science supports your decision. Masks do not work. Instead, they can make people sick.

Allow us to also thank Vice-President Sara Duterte for supporting your enlightened policies. We thank her for remaining steadfast and committed to having face-to-face classes without any need for vaccination, despite criticism from a minority of parents. She stopped physical harm, health deterioration, and mental dysfunction. Many countries had this policy last year. Now we
have caught up. Kudos!

Mr. President, school children (19 years and below) have a 99.997% chance of surviving COVID-19. They do not need the vaccine. The science shows vaccines cause great harm to our children. Over 100 kids will be harmed for every one child temporarily protected by the vaccines.

We also want to thank your Cabinet for supporting your goal to balance health and having a peaceful, sustainable society including a vibrant economy. The world has learned that we can never sacrifice our rights and freedoms, especially freedom of thought, at the altar of safety. Lack of full scientific disclosure and debate can only bring totalitarian rule and societal stagnation and anger.

Mr. President, your decisions are congruent with significant policies that key governments are making worldwide. Take Florida, the number one destination for people running away from states that have coercive COVID-19 policies.

Since the mid-2020s, Florida had face-to-face schools and no lockdowns, and mandatory vaccinations/face masks. Yet Florida did not have a health disaster.

The Centers of Disease Control of the U.S. (CDC) recently revised their COVID-19 guidelines. No lockdowns. Asymptomatic testing is discouraged. No facemasks in most situations. CDC now values natural immunity. Most importantly, no more discrimination between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. This practice violates the equal protection clause of our Constitution.

CDC said: “CDC’s COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur ”, meaning, the vaccinated can still be infected.1

Mr. President, you are embarking on a massive rollout of booster shots. We understand you want to protect the health of Filipinos. Problem: This program de facto recognizes that the original vaccines are not effective and durable.

Furthermore, boosters have adverse effects. Scientists from Harvard and Johns Hopkins found that boosters can be 18 to 98 times worse than COVID19 in adverse effects. Plus, more than 22,000 students have to be boosted to prevent one COVID-19 hospitalization.2 This is simply disastrous and unethical.

Furthermore, scientific studies are showing that expired vaccines are not as effective as the fresher ones. In addition, FDA just approved Pfizer’s new booster vaccines in only two days upon application, with no human clinical trials. These boosters are unproven and will most likely be harmful and ineffective.

There are precedents. Pfizer has a court case on rigging its vaccine trials. In addition, it tried to obtain, unsuccessfully, a 75-year embargo on the release of its confidential report to the FDA. This secret report showed its vaccines resulted in the death of 1,223 individuals in a period of three months and the serious injury of over 25,000. In addition, Pfizer lists over 1,000 kinds of vaccine-induced serious side effects, which took around 9 pages, single-spaced, to merely enumerate, let alone, describe the diseases.

Moderna’s bivalent boosters will not be any better. It was designed to fight both the original Wuhan virus and the BA.1 variant. Both are mostly no longer in circulation. BA.5 variant is now predominant in our country and other parts of the world. The vaccines will not be effective. Worst, it will continue to harm people the way it did with its original vaccines.

Connected with your new policies, you may also be already aware that some schools and local government units are not following your policies. We hope you do something about this. It is creating confusion and havoc in local areas.

Mr. President, one way to achieve this is to NOT renew the Executive Order placing the country in a state of a national health emergency. That old EO expired last September 12, 2022. The statement below from the lead author of the new CDC guidelines supports our proposal.

‘This guidance acknowledges that the pandemic is not over, but also helps us move to a point where COVID-19 no longer severely disrupts our daily lives’. (NPR Interview.)

She can say this seemingly contradictory statement because WHO changed the definition of a “pandemic” to mean the spread of an infectious disease but not necessarily killing a lot of people. Thus, one can have a “pandemic” with minimal deaths and thus not “disrupt” our daily lives. So no health emergency.

Mr. President, you may want to give Filipinos a deeper choice. There are early treatment protocols that have worked wonders in countries including but not limited to the U.S., Japan and India. Ivermectin, for example, has enabled Uttar Pradesh in India, to declare its region basically free from the threat of COVID-19. Uttar Pradesh has a population of more than 240 million people, around twice the population of the Philippines. Yet, there is no panic there around COVID-19.

In addition, hundreds of scientific studies have demonstrated that our natural immunity is more powerful, comprehensive, durable, and effective when compared with vaccine-induced immunity. Vaccines require a healthy immune system to function. Yet many studies have shown that the Covid vaccines wane and become less effective over time. Part of the reason for this is that vaccines are harming our immune system gradually over time. One study, for example, showed that natural immunity can be 2700% more effective than vaccine-induced immunity.

Mr. President, these scientific facts are worthy of your consideration because you will be making policy decisions based on accurate science. We encourage your government to undertake a major program on enhancing the immune system of Filipinos. This will lead to greater resilience among Filipinos so that they can better withstand COVID-19 and other health challenges that will emerge in the future.

Covid Call to Humanity (CCH) is a non-partisan, non-political, science-based organization and network deeply concerned with the health, safety, rights, and freedom of Filipinos. We are known for our global and national science-based reporting on COVID-19 developments. Our articles and news are read in over 100 countries.

We heavily criticized the previous government for its policies that were not fully backed up by science and, in instances, violated our Constitutions and laws. Many, who know us, will be surprised by the appreciative tone of our message. But our gratitude is sincere and without any hidden motive.

We do not want to clutter this message of thanks with scientific citations and factual evidence which we can easily do. We want you and your Administration to directly experience our gratitude without the continuous bombardment of citations. However, we are more than happy to provide the data and the science should you wish for us to elaborate. We have over a thousand sources to back up our claims. Kindly check our website: https://covidcalltohumanity.org.

We are very confident in the facts we have shared above. We waive any liability from any organization that publishes or cites the evidence we have written above. If there is to be any lawsuit accusing us of spreading false information, we are more than happy to be the defendant in that litigation.

Please continue with your style of governance that, so far, is open and willing to re-examine government policies. You may wish to obtain advise from diverse qualified individuals and foster an atmosphere of constructive truth-seeking among your Cabinet and throughout government.

Meanwhile, CCH will continue to critically engage your government and its future policies. We will criticize unsound policies, if necessary. But we will also express gratitude, if deserved, like now.

Truth is our guiding star. To paraphrase Christ: “We shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set us Free.” We see our mission to be a constructive conscience regarding many challenges the country faces.

May you continue with your beginning good work and may you end up becoming one of the most beneficial Presidents of the Philippines, not for yourself, but for the country. God bless!

Nicanor Perlas
In behalf of the CCH network

Website: https://covidcalltohumanity.org
Rumble: cch1333
Telegram: Covid Call to Humanity (CCH1333)
E-mail: cch1333@protonmail.com
Contact Number: 0926 654 2078

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  1. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7133e1.htm (August 19, 2022)
  2. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4206070


  1. Well-written letter! 👏🏽👏🏽 Thank you, CCH, for your tireless effort in addressing the terrible injustice of COVID gene altering therapies that are falsely called “vaccines,” damaging lockdowns, useless masks, wasteful asymptomatic testing, and other unnecessary measures that are causing grave damage to our society.

    Natural immunity is highly effective. When COVID swept through the households of my friends and mine in July 2021 we effectively treated ourselves with over-the-counter protocols (plus ivermectin). Not one of us needed to be hospitalized. We refused the COVID injections called “vaccines.” Now we have robust natural immunity and NONE of us has been sick since July 2021. We live our lives as normally as the government will allow us and we do not have any problems.

    Thank you for being a Warrior for God. 🙏🏽🙏🏽

    1. Thank you Glenn!! We are also grateful to the whistleblowers and the honest scientists forcing governments around the world to tell the truth about the Covid shots and natural immunity! We are happy to see that despite the government’s coercive push for vaccination, around 30% of the country remains unvaccinated and more than 80% have refused to take their boosters! We hope that Filipinos continue to question the illogical, unscientific imposition of the State of Emergency in the country. It must be removed, because there is no emergency!

      It is not enough to just “go back to normal”. We hope that Filipinos do not forget the injustice that has been done to us. We must all be wary of any government imposition that takes away our civil liberties and our right to command our bodies.

      1. Hope you can lobby further on removal of any travel restrictions related to vaccines as done by several countries already. PH must open to non-vaccinated foreign tourist to generate USD income and others who are unvaccinated can travel likewise and return to PH with ease.

  2. Dear Nicanor!
    What an act of humanity to write such a beautiful letter to your president.
    Lots of warm greetings to you from South Africa and Martin and Christiane

    1. Thank you Marin and Christiane!

      How is South Africa doing these days? Would appreciate if you could tell us a little bit about how your government is now dealing with Covid, and if there are any movements towards The Great Reset being initiated in your country?

  3. Just before the 2020 Pandemic, Nicanor Perlas discussed threats to biological health from 5G at the NZ Anthroposophical Conference. During the Lockdowns, 5G antennas were installed all across the world. Industry has provided very little information about the status of 5G. Independent measurements are not widely taken, because of the exorbitant cost of testing meters for the higher – more dangerous – frequencies.
    Early in 2021, independent researchers such as La Quinta Columna shared images and reported graphene was a Nano particle found in great quantity in the test vials.
    Years before the Pandemic Rules about public information, several videos were posted on YouTube by Rice University, Houston, Texas, with the title Teslaphoresis. This process shows constructive effects on graphene in a liquid placed in proximity to microwaves of the frequencies authorized for 5G. Videos show the graphene moved into strands that can be characterized as ‘circuits.’ The Rice University researchers expressed great enthusiasm for this technology.
    Your presentation to the NZ Anthroposophical Conference emphasized the threat of 5G. In light of these technological installations, what can concerned citizens do?

    1. Hello Zachary,

      This is Sarah, the administrator for this website. Thank you for raising this question. I will forward this to Nicanor to see how we can address this question in a more in-depth manner so that people can also become aware of the dangers of 5G. It is, after all, the only way that the WEF’s dreams of a technocratic world can come true. This is a conversation that must be started soon.

  4. Thank you very much Sir Nick for your continuous fight for the rights of the Filipino people! Your letter to the President is Indeed excellent and beneficial to all of us! You are saving the lives of your countrymen! You deserve to be our hero! Mabuhay po kayo!

    1. Hello, thank you for the kind words. Our president has indeed given us hope, however, the road forward is still long. The goal is for the removal of the State of Emergency, the end of the Covid fearmongering, and the triumph of truth. Please continue with us in this journey.

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