July 27, 2024

Report Shows Canada’s Digital ID “Uncomfortably” Close To China’s Social Credit Score

Report Shows Canada’s Digital ID “Uncomfortably” Close To China’s Social Credit Score

A report released by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) last August 9, 2022 outlines how Canada’s new national Digital ID system is a step toward authoritarianism.

JCCF says that no government can be trusted with the extraordinary powers embedded in the digital identity infrastructure. They said, “As Canada’s introduction of digital ID, digital currency, and recent cases of government abuse of power echoes similar developments in China, alarm bells should be going off all over the country. Canadians have good cause to fear that they, too, will end up living under a system, not unlike the Social Credit System”.

Editor’s Note: The digital ID system and digitalization of government services is a priority for the current Philippine government [see Marcos Wants 92M Filipinos With Digital IDs by mid-2023].

Conversations about how this will change our economic, political, and societal landscape have not yet started as many of the activists in the country are still caught up with the issues of the past. Unfortunately, many of these issues are only distractions to the real battle that is going on [Read The Great Reset is Accelerating into Global Tyranny, Vandana Shiva: Great Reset Is a Project of Extermination].

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