Netherlands move to shut down farms to meet climate goals

In this July 2, 2022 article, Peter Imanuelsen reports on the series of protests happening in the Netherlands.

According to Imanuelsen, the protests came as a result of a new planned policy that will effectively shut down farms and cattle ranches in order for the country to comply with new EU rules on the reduction of nitrogen pollution. Around 40,000 farmers have taken to the streets in protest of the policy.

The protest has been condemned by Dutch politicians but is widely supported by regular citizens.

Editor’s Note: If the world is expecting a looming food crisis, then why would the Dutch government order the closure of farms? [See The globalists are telling us what’s next: Food shortage in six months]. Why won’t they simply impose organic farming as a standard and promote the use of natural and organic farm inputs in order to meet their EU target?

As of writing, mainstream media has finally written about these protests, but they are framing their articles as “farmers protesting over the government’s plan to reduce emissions” as if the reason for the protests is that farmers want to continue with their unsustainable practices. [efn_note][/efn_note]. Obviously this is not the truth. If the government wanted to reduce emissions for the sake of the environment, they must make a comprehensive solution that will not create additional suffering for its people.

If this isn’t the first stage of manufacturing a food crisis, then we don’t know what it is [Read Food Shortages As New Global Health Crises: Another Plot To Control People?].

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One response to “Netherlands move to shut down farms to meet climate goals”

  1. Eric the Red Avatar
    Eric the Red

    The NWO flunkeys in charge of the Netherlands are not afraid of protests. What they are afraid of is organized sabotage, 4th generation warfare, and physical force directed against them. But people in western societies will never do that, they seem to be either too stupid or too cowardly, and the NWO knows it. This European tractor-fest will just be a rerun of ‘Canadian Truckers’, and the NWO will then move along to its next scheduled outrage.

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