EU to move away from emergency phase of COVID “pandemic”


In this April 27, 2022, article for Reuters, Francesco Guarascio reports on the contents of a draft document from the European Commission.

According to Guarascio, the document, which was shown to Reuters, has made major changes in the way that the European Union will deal with the COVID “pandemic”. Some of the more important aspects of the document include the following:

  • recognition of a new phase in the “pandemic” which necessitates a new approach to monitoring and control.
  • mass testing has been dropped and will be replaced by targeted diagnostic testing for priority groups
  • surveillance will no longer be based on the identification of cases, but on estimating the intensity of community transmission and the impact of disease on vaccine effectiveness Guarascio says that Commission has gone public with the document, but that it is set to be adopted by Wednesday, April 27, 2022.

Editor’s Note: Even as many countries are now moving away from the emergency phase of the “pandemic”, the World Health Organization (WHO) with the help of their cohorts, refuses to let go of the control they have exerted on people [see DOH Warns Surge of COVID Infection Up To 35,000 on May 9 Election Day, WHO Warns of New COVID Surge in Two Months, Urges PH Authorities for a House-to-house Vaccination, OCTA warns of COVID-19 surge by May or June, Testing cuts leave world ‘increasingly blind’ to COVID spread, WHO fears]. Can you think of one reason why they can’t let go of the COVID “pandemic”? [See World Council for Health Sounds Alarms on WHO’s pandemic treaty initiative and URGENT: COMMENT ON THE WHO GLOBAL PANDEMIC TREATY NOW].

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