Day: February 27, 2022
The Last Mile for the COVID-19 Deception
In a February 24, 2022 article published in Phil Star Global, Joey Concepcion, the Philippine Presidential Adviser on Entrepreneurship, wrote his response to the plea intended explicitly for him during the Caravan for Truth, Health, and Freedom held last February 17, 2022. [See PRACT’s First Initiated Caravan for Health, Truth and Freedom in Metro Manila,…
More groups file lawsuits against Trudeau over Emergencies Act
Civil liberties and constitutional rights groups have decided to proceed with legal challenges against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act which allowed the government to freeze bank accounts of various individuals who have supported the Freedom Convoy [also see Canadian experience shows glimpse of totalitarian future we can expect if citizens…
If COVID vaccines were safe, then why are governments talking about compensation for vaccine injuries?
In this February 19, 2022 article for The Wall Street Journal, Jenny Strasburg discusses the reality of vaccine adverse effects and how governments are going to pay for compensation among those who are severely affected by the COVID jabs. According to the report, Norway has already agreed to pay out 25 COVID vaccine injuries as…