German insurers: Government underreporting side effects of the COVID vaccines

In this February 24, 2022 article published by the Berliner Zeitung, P. Debionne covers republishes a letter written by Andreas Schöfbeck, a member of the board of directors of the large German insurer, BKK ProVita. The letter was sent to Dr. Klaus Cichutek, the President of the Paul Ehrlich Institute. The letter also went to the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds, the German Medical Association, the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, the Standing Vaccination Commission, and the BKK umbrella organization.

According to Schöfbeck, the number of side effects relating to the vaccine is many times higher than those officially announced by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI). He adds, “According to our calculations, we consider 400,000 visits to the doctor by our insured persons due to vaccination complications to be realistic to date.”

Editor’s Note: For those who want to better understand the implications of the data presented by Schöfbeck in his letter to the PEI, we recommend that you read this analysis published by Swiss Policy Research (SPR): Covid Vaccines: The Next Vioxx? The SPR article also includes a discussion of the Israeli as reported in the article Israeli data shows vaccine side effects not rare at all.

This data from Germany is another important indication governments are not doing their actively monitoring the adverse events caused by the vaccines. If the government data is underreported by a huge amount, then how can we even trust that the vaccines are safe? Why would we vaccinate our children if the safety data is not credible?

Now take note that in January 2022, Indiana life insurance has also recorded a 40% increase in deaths among people aged 18-64 years.[efn_note]A discussion of the implications of this data has been written by Robert Malone, see[/efn_note] And then there’s the fact that excess deaths in the Philippines for 2021 are at record-high levels [read 2021 Excess Deaths in the Philippines Shows Pandemic, but it is Not COVID].

Even if the government insists that these deaths are not from the vaccines, shouldn’t an investigation be conducted to determine what is causing these deaths? If these deaths are not from COVID-19, then it appears there is another health crisis brewing within our midst. Now is the time for governments to change their tact and stop obsessing over COVID cases when deaths from other causes are increasing.

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4 responses to “German insurers: Government underreporting side effects of the COVID vaccines”

  1. I found also a video clip where they discuss exactly the matter; lots lots of people (hundred thousands and its just in one country) are experiencing side effects, indeed we all have to warn and educate others who cannot grasp the scope and broad spectrum of available information out there from real scientists, doctors and so on, the narrative of “millions died from covid” is plain and truthful proven to be false, there were and are still a lot of manipulation to convince the masses of the “danger” of covid just to coerce the masses to be injected with something that in the not distant future will be way more harmful than a simple cold/flu. …

    1. So many deaths due to government negligence!!!

      1. Great site, getting better and better.
        You said gov. negligence, IMHO i say participation/partnership.

        1. Thank you Chauf! We also thank all the global researchers who are sending us new articles daily. So many new developments!

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