Scientists Deliberately Gave People COVID, Nearly Half Did Not Become Infected, Not One Experienced Severe Case

In this February 2, 2022 article for Nature, Ewen Callaway reports on the results of the COVID-19 human challenge trial conducted in the UK by researchers from Imperial College London [also see Oxford researchers are planning a COVID-19 reinfection human challenge trial].
Here are the most important results of the study:
- On average, participants tested positive for COVID less than two days after exposure. High viral levels persisted for an average of 9 days up to 12 days.
- The most common symptoms were sore throats, runny nose, and sneezing. Fever was less common, and no one developed persistent cough.
- Around 70% of the infected participants lost their sense of taste and smell, with the problem persisting for more than six months for five participants, and more than nine months in one. Researchers say that problems with smell or taste is the most serious risk that has materialized for the infected.
- Researchers are wondering why so many people did not become infected.
Editor’s Note: While this trial was only limited, it does concur with what we already know about COVID. For example, it confirms that for healthy, young people, the risk of contracting COVID has been overestimated [see New study: Millenials overestimate their COVID-19 risk].
Even when participants were exposed to a concentrated virus which would have ensured that everyone would test positive for “the dreaded” COVID, the researchers found that some people could fight off the virus, and hence, they never get infected. This shows us that natural immunity has the capacity to stop infection and transmission, unlike vaccines [see CDC Head declares COVID ‘vaccines’ don’t prevent infections or transmissions, Iceland and Denmark: No herd immunity from vaccines, Fauci: Early COVID-19 vaccines will only prevent symptoms, not block infection. Also, read T-cell immunity found in SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals and close contacts who never experienced detectable infection].
Also, the research shows us that even when infected, young and healthy individuals only experience mild disease [also see Updated IFR for COVID Confirms 99.9987% Survival for Under-20’s].
If this is the case, why then are governments forcing young, healthy people to take the vaccines when they are at no particular risk of COVID? Why the obsession with vaccination?
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How did they determine that they had “Covid”. Have you not been made aware that over 100 Freedom of Information Requests have been made to many scientific institutions and Ministries of Health around the world over these past 2 years. Not one of these institutions has been able to produce a pure isolate sample of the SARS Cov2 virus from a diseased individual. Mr. Roger Anoh, CDC/ATSDR FOIA Officer, Office of the Chief Operating Officer, admits they have no record of any “CoV-2 or 19 virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere…” Furthermore a CDC document page 40 & 42 have indicated that the PCR test was made from a “mimic” specimen as there was no SARSCov2 virus available. “…Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/uL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen…This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.” In Nov 2020 a group of scientists did an external peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS0CoV-2. Their review revealed 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive. Kary Mullis the Creator of the PCR test stated “anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR test, if you run it long enough…with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody…The PCR is a process. It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick. A group of scientists from prestiges universities in California are in the process of suing the CDC. These scientists examined 1500 supposedly PCR positive individuals. They found instead no evidence of SarsCov2 but only Influenza A or B. On May 10, 2021, the chief Microbiologist and laboratory Specialist, Dr. Jared Bullard testified in Winnipeg, Manitoba while under oath he told the court that the PCR test results do not verify infectiousness and were never intended to be used to diagnose respiratory illnesses.
Thanks for sharing this Harold! People really need to read what you just shared.