July 18, 2024

Philippines’ Justice Secretary upholds RA 11525: Hiring based on vaccine status illegal and discriminatory


In this October 21, 2021 article for GMA News Online, Anna Felicia Bajo reports on the recent statements of Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra regarding the requiring of vaccine cards for employment purposes.

Guevarra said, “Please note that under Section 12 of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program Act of 2021, vaccine cards shall not be considered as an additional mandatory requirement for educational, employment and other similar government transaction purposes”.

Editor’s Note: Justice Guevarra’s statement is proof that RA 11525 is defensible in court. No employer, whether in public organizations or private corporations, can reject an applicant because he or she is unvaccinated. Moreover, it is also clear that no employer can threaten an employee with termination if they refuse to take the vaccine.

The illegality of vaccine mandates has been discussed more thoroughly by Atty. Aaron Suguilon in the video KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: A Legal Explanation by Atty. Aaron Soguilon. Also, you may find the docu referred to by Atty. Suguilon in the article Ready to pushback? Here are some documents you can use to protect yourself from vaccine coercion].

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