Dear all,
Many of you have been contacting and asking us when it will happen. Now it is happening. Today it is happening.
It has been a long journey, more than 17 months, towards the truth. Now that we have overwhelming scientific evidence, we are using this truth to set us all free. We have filed this Cease and Desist cum Notice of Liability (C&D) document with the Office of the President of the Philippines and other top officials of the country. (See C&D addressee list.)
With the official barcode of the office of the president, signifying receipt of the notice, everything is now official. God willing, the entire scamdemic will be over. We will do whatever it takes to end this fraudulent nightmare being imposed on millions of Filipinos.
We also want to inform freedom fighters all over the world of this good news. We have now activated the Philippine theater of this global war to enslave and kill humanity. There are hundreds of thousands of freedom fighters behind us. This document and its fate are all they are waiting to take back control of this country from the bloody and treasonous hands of people who pretend to be our leaders. We know that this is not about health. This is about control!
We also want to express our solidarity and compassion with all those around the world who have sacrificed and are sacrificing, with literal blood, sweat, and tears, to dismantle totalitarianism in their respective countries. Your struggles are our struggles. Each one’s efforts count. Each deed of courage reinforces deeds of resistance around the world. This is the true globalization of humanity: the collective defense of our spiritual essence against the darkest manipulators our planet has ever seen.
If we have to go down in this struggle, if we die, because we have striven to unleash the highest morality and the best in humanity, so be it. We would rather die fighting for freedom than survive and live inconsequential lives cowering in fear. This is not our spiritual destiny.
We can either succumb to the death shots and control structure that they have built with massive lies and fraud. Or we can use this gravest of threats to awaken us to the next higher level of evolution as a human species. A lot depends on how we respond to the unbelievable tyranny they are imposing on us, on a daily basis.
Please stay tuned. We love humanity, truth, freedom, dignity, and true health. And we will strive forever until these ideals become a reality. It will be so!
In deep solidarity with all freedom fighters in my country and all over the world,
Nicanor Perlas
Covid Call To Humanity
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