Governments ignoring advice of their own health regulators, pushing child vaccination, public trust eroding

In this September 10, 2021 article for The Telegraph, Camilla Turner reports on the brewing “backbench rebellion” among Tory members of the parliament as Health Secretary Sajid Javid pushed for the vaccination of children aged 12 to 15.
In a letter to the health minister, Esther McVey, Sir Graham Brady, and William Wragg said that ignoring the advice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) would risk “dissolving the bond of trust that has grown between state and public”. They add that the government’s “willingness to challenge this decision, and to chart its own course independent of the country’s scientific advisers, is a moment for serious concern”. [In July, members of the JCVI already said that they do not recommend COVID vaccination of children, read UK vaccine committee advised against vaccination of children but government delaying release of advisory. A formal advisory was released by the JCVI last September 3, 2021].
Early in the week, a major study found that teenage boys were six times more likely to suffer heart complications following a COVID shot [see Major study shows teenage boys six times more likely to suffer heart problems after COVID jab than being hospitalized from coronavirus]
Editor’s Note: This is proof that governments are following a pre-determined agenda that does not necessarily adhere to science. When scientists were making deliberations that aligned with that agenda, governments readily explained their decisions as “evidence-based”. Now that their own consultants contradict this agenda, governments have started to show their face. How can people still entrust the future of their children to the government when it is clear we do not have the same goals?
The outcomes of the UK regarding vaccination of this age group will ultimately affect countries like the Philippines, which only follow the majority of the policies that are being implemented in other countries. If the UK will sacrifice their children, they must realize that they are also sacrificing all the children of the world.
US President Joe Biden is also ignoring regulatory advisers and is pushing for boosters [see Top FDA officials resign over booster plan, says White House announced policy before agency approved it]. This is an ongoing pattern of many governments around the world. This is a dangerous sign. This is no longer about health. This is about totalitarian control. What is the agenda? This will be something we will be surfacing in the very near future.
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