Florida health department calls out CDC for bloating COVID cases by 8,733

In this August 12, 2021 report for Fox News, Edmund DeMarche reports on the recent adjustment done by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the COVID case report for Florida.
In a tweet, the Florida Health Department called out the CDC for posting wrong data on the COVID cases in the state. The state health department said, “Wrong again. The number of cases @CDCgov released for Florida today is incorrect. They combined MULTIPLE days into one. We anticipate CDC will correct the record.”
The CDC initially reported 28,317 new COVID cases in the state last Sunday (August 8, 2021) but had adjusted that number to 19,584 by Tuesday (August 10, 2021).
Editor’s Note: At a time when people are panicking about increasing COVID cases, one would think that federal health agencies would be careful of ensuring that they report correct data so as not to cause unnecessary anxiety. This recent blunder from the CDC shows us that whoever is running those case counts is not as meticulous as they want us to think. If the Florida Health Department did not catch this mistake, would the CDC have been able to make the correction on their own?
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