January 21, 2025

NHS Whistleblower: The government’s COVID and vaccination policies are genocide

NHS Whistleblower: The government’s COVID and vaccination policies are genocide

The following is a transcript of an April 18, 2021 call made to UK Column’s Brian Gerrish. The caller is a senior Board Member of the National Health System (NHS), whose name was omitted for protection.

The caller first relates her experience at the NHS, when the talk of preventing infection transitioned into a full-time obsession to the rollout of vaccines. She says, “you can’t call it a vaccine, because it doesn’t meet the description, so I’m going to refer to it as an injection”. She says, “there really were some long-term safety issues [with the vaccines], and stuff that we just didn’t know”, but despite these, the NHS was going to continue with the vaccine rollout anyway.

She goes on to explain the threat of losing their jobs if anyone didn’t go along with the plan. She said that it wasn’t just the NHS administration that gave this veiled threat, there was also pressure from the public who wanted the vaccine, “if we said, ‘Look, we’re not doing this’ – then the public that we serve would be very angry…and actually probably would have tried to help with our removal, because they wanted this, and how dare we try and hold that back for them!”. She said that she tried to hold on to her position to challenge some of the policies and to ensure that data was gathered properly, but the situation got worse. She says, “what I’ve witnessed…is just a massive increase in propaganda, in false statements about it, a complete lack of informed consent, side effects not being reported by patients and NHS staff, and this normalization of ‘if you are in bed for two days, that’s OK!’”

The caller also goes on to explain how the government has been in complete control of the NHS. She also stresses that leaders and members of the NHS have completely surrendered their capacity for independent decision-making to their government leaders. She goes on to detail some of her most pertinent concerns. Here are a few of them:

  • The lack of true, informed consent and a lack of balanced risk-versus benefit ratio.
  • No one knows what’s in the vaccines and nobody in the NHS truly understands the risks.
  • The Yellow Card reporting system is not reflective of the number of adverse events that are happening.
  • The vaccination of healthy, young, and fertile individuals despite the issues surrounding the vaccines and adverse events reporting.

When asked for advice she can give to those who are thinking of getting the injection, the caller offers the following: (1) do your own research, and do it wide; (2) challenge the people that ring you up and offer you a vaccine. She also calls on people who have experienced adverse events to report it, “For you and the others behind you. You know, you have the right, and you should stand up and say, ‘This isn’t good enough and I need to report it, and you need to ensure that people are being held to account for this as well’”. The caller promises to continue to affect small changes where she can, and if she can no longer take it, she promises to come out to provide evidence of the claims she put forward.

She closes the interview with the following words: “Let’s get talking to each other and supporting each other more…let’s move out of the fear place…Your children are next. And that is terrifying, and it makes me well up when I think about it. So if you won’t speak up because you’ve had the vaccine, or you won’t speak up because you’re scared…or you won’t speak up because you don’t want to lose your job…just know that this doesn’t stop until we all stand up and say, ‘Stop’”.

Editor’s Note: We can say with certainty that the experiences described by the NHS whistleblower are happening in health care systems around the world. In the Philippines, we know that there is no real informed consent as pre-vaccination workshops never address questions on vaccine safety or reporting of adverse effects. Moreover, there are very few healthcare professionals questioning the coronavirus strategies being used by the government. Of the very few who have the courage to speak up, most are threatened with disciplinary action and possible removal of their professional license. Some are vilified by the media and attacked by citizens in social media.

We agree with the caller: if adults do not stand up and say ‘stop’, then this “pandemic” will only get worse. In the Philippines, for example, even the danger of a total economic collapse has not stopped our government leaders from implementing useless lockdowns.

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