FLCCC meta-review on the efficacy of Ivermectin as prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19, now published in a journal

The metareview initially released by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) last January 16, 2021, as an open-sourced document has passed peer review. The research may now be accessed from the American Journal of Therapeutics, May to July 2021 issue.

The meta-analysis reviews 18 randomized controlled treatment trials (RCTs) of ivermectin for COVID-19 patients. The study found that ivermectin had “large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance”. The study also discovered that prophylaxis trials led to significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with regular use of ivermectin.

Editor’s Note: Even when the World Health Organization (WHO) and drug regulators of different countries try to suppress ivermectin, the truth will come out because true science is impartial. The acceptance and publication of this metareview are equal to the journal acknowledging the veracity of the research methodology conducted by the FLCCC. If another such major study occurs and does not look at the evidence shown in this article, that should constitute a crime against humanity.

How many more RCTs need to be done before these anti-ivermectin experts accept their mistake? If ivermectin is proven to be the cure for COVID-19, then all emergency use authorizations (EUA) for experimental vaccines and investigational drugs must be canceled. Everyone who has been part of the conspiracy to steal human health and freedom must be held accountable. Perhaps this is the reason why pro-vaccine people in public health continue to deny ivermectin’s efficacy. They already know what’s coming to them once the truth comes out.

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