This article features two reports coming from The New York Times (NYT) and BBC which attempt to make its readers believe that the government’s mass vaccination program is succeeding.
In the NYT article, published last April 23, 2021, we are told that some vaccination sites are now closing due to a lack of customers, and some counties are now refusing new vaccine shipments. Clearly, there is vaccine hesitancy. So to deal with this, the New York Times article is saying that the next stage of vaccination will be like a “get-out-the-vote effort”, where doctors’ offices will be the new vaccination sites as this is where patients are more at ease. NYT also says that “more than half” of adults in the United States have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, with the country surpassing 200 million administered doses. Every person above 16 years old is now eligible for the COVID vaccination in the US. The article doe not mention how many Americans are now fully vaccinated.
Meanwhile, the BBC article, published last April 26, 2021, tells us that a new campaign has been launched to encourage people below 50 years to get inoculated. This comes after the news that more than half the entire UK has now received the first dose. BBC reports that the UK has already administered 45.5 million doses, with 12 million people receiving two doses (or are fully vaccinated).
Editor’s Note: The US and UK government’s mass vaccination campaign is failing, and mainstream media is doing everything they can to cover up this truth.
If we simply read the information presented by the NYT and BBC article, we might think that so many people have already taken the jab. The truth is that in both countries, only a little more than a quarter of people have been fully vaccinated. These articles are deliberately hiding the truth by omitting the real data.
An April 19, 2021 feature from The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)[efn_note][/efn_note] offers us a clearer understanding of the state of vaccination in the US. According to the author of the WSJ article, Adam Martin, “more than a quarter of the US population” has been fully vaccinated. That’s 25.4% of the country’s ENTIRE population of almost 333 million people. The “more than half” of adults who received the first dose of the vaccine in the US translates to only 39.5% of the entire US population. Sounds impressive, right? In truth, it isn’t.
If we look at this data again, we will notice see that out of the 39.5% who received the first shot of the COVID vaccines, only 25.4% came back for their second shot. Where are the remaining 14.1%? Did they have such severe adverse reactions on their first shot that they decided not to take their second dose? Or did they perhaps fail to show up for their second shot because they died from the first one? These are questions we must ask, and the CDC must answer because it will help explain why fewer people are coming to take their vaccines.
Now if only 39.5% of the whole US population or 50.4% of the adult population came to have their first vaccine, where are the remaining 49.5% of adults who are eligible to take the vaccine? Why aren’t they coming to receive their first shots? Could the declining vaccine uptake be the reason why Pfizer now wants to vaccinate children as young as 12 years?[efn_note]At present, only those aged 18 and above are allowed to take the COVID vaccine. Pfizer has however, recently requested for FDA emergency use authorization to vaccinate children aged 12-15 years, read[/efn_note]
Now if we look at the UK, we can see the same trend. In an April 27, 2021 feature from Metro UK[efn_note][/efn_note], we discover that only 25.1% of the UK ADULT POPULATION have been fully vaccinated. Like the US, the UK has dropped its vaccine age threshold in an attempt to increase the vaccination rate. This, despite the fact that the vaccine has not been tested on younger populations. As evident in the BBC article, the dropping of this age threshold came with a campaign to convince the under-50s to get the jab because they are “more likely to be hesitant”. The UK’s vaccine uptake is even worse than the US, with 74.9% of adults refusing to take the vaccine. We can expect that any parent belonging to the vaccine-hesitant group will not send their children to get vaccinated. Are we even surprised why the UK government is pushing for vaccine passports even when the World Health Organization has already rejected the idea? [Read W.H.O. does not back vaccine passports – for now].
Despite the low vaccination rates in the UK, however, cases and deaths continue to fall. So we can expect that the positive COVID statistics, combined with the large numbers of vaccine-related protests will lead to fewer people inclined to get vaccinated.
Now, what do these two articles tell us? First is that vaccine hesitancy is widespread. This explains the huge number of people who come to the World Freedom Rallies in various countries around the world [see Citizens from more than 20 countries gather for simultaneous rally]. No wonder fear-based reporting in the media continues to this day, and Big Tech has made it a mission to delete all vaccine information contrary to their agenda. If they allowed this information to be freely available, even lesser people will take it willingly.
Second, it is becoming increasingly clear that the “conspiracy theorists” are not an organized group of people. They are people coming from different backgrounds who are accessing information that is different from the narrative present in social media and mainstream news. They are real people, with real vaccination concerns. This is the reason why mainstream media has to ignore the huge rallies being held against mandatory vaccination [see Million-strong march for freedom in London ignored by mainstream media]. If people discovered that “anti-vax” sentiments are coming from real, and not shady, people, then they can no longer remain an outsider. Vaccine hesitation will gain greater traction in the bigger community.
Lastly, we must now look at the news of “variants” and “overwhelmed health care systems” using the lens of failing vaccination efforts. The increasing pressure to implement digital health passports; a third dose to counter the variants; the refusal to consider early treatment; and the continuous smear campaign against experts who say that the human immune system has the capacity to fight against SARS-CoV-2 infection, will begin to make sense if we consider the poor results of the vaccine rollout. Who wins in this scenario? Who loses if people continue to listen to experts who are not WHO-approved? Who loses if people continue to resist vaccination? We hope that if the answers to these questions are not yet clear for you, then you would at least make an effort to read and research.
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